The Life of Sir Isaac Newton;with an Account of his Writings.
By Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
(London: 1728)
Transcribed by David R. Wilkins (2002)
Transcribed by David R. Wilkins (2002)
Sir ISAAC NEWTON was born at Wolstrop
in the County of Lincoln on Christmas-day, O. S. in the year
1642. He was descended of the eldest Branch of the Family of Sir John
Newton, Bart. who were Lords of the Manor of Wolstrop, and have
been possess'd of the Estate for near 200 years. The Newtons had
remov'd thither from Westby in the same County, but originally came
from the Town of Newton in Lancashire. His Mother's name was Anne
Ayscough, who was also of an antient Family, and married again after his
Father's Decease.
She sent her Son to the Free-School of Grantham
at twelve years old, and took him thence within a few years after, that she
might make him early acquainted with his own affairs, and learn to look after
them himself. But she found him so little dispos'd towards an application for
Business, and so entirely given up to his Book, that she soon sent him back to Grantham,
with free leave to follow his own Inclinations. And these he afterwards pursued
with the greatest Satisfaction, by removing from thence to Trinity College
in Cambridge, where he was admitted in 1660. at the age of eighteen.
In studying Mathematicks, he employ'd his Thoughts
very little upon Euclid, as judging him too plain and easy to take up
any part of his time; he understood him almost before he had read him, and by
only casting his eye upon the Subject of a Proposition, was able to give the
Demonstration. He launch'd at once into such Books as the Geometry of Des
Cartes and the Opticks of Kepler. So that we may justly apply to
him what Lucan has said of the Nile, whose Springs were
unknown to the Antients, That it was not granted to Mankind to see the
Nile in a small Stream. It can be prov'd, that Sir Isaac Newton
had made his great discoveries in Geometry, and laid the Foundation of his two
famous Performances, the Principia and the Opticks, by that
time he was four and twenty years old. If the intelligent Beings, superiour to
Man, do also make a progress in Knowledge, they fly whilst we creep, and pass
over without notice the intermediate steps, by which we slowly advance from the
perception of one truth to another, which has a dependence upon it.
In 1668. Nicholas Mercator, a Native of Holstein,
who had pass'd the best part of his time in England, publish'd his Logarithmotechnia,
in which he resolv'd the Area of an Hyperbola into an infinite Series. This was
the first time such a method of Calculation, so dextrously drawn from the
nature of a particular Curve, had appear'd in the World. The learned Dr. Barrow,
at the time residing at Cambridge with Sir Isaac Newton, who
was then in his seven and twentieth year, recollected streight, that he had
seen the same Theory among the Compositions of this young Gentleman, tho' not
confin'd to the Hyperbola in particular, but extended by general rules to all
sorts of curvilinear Figures, even to mechanical Curves, to their Quadratures,
Rectifications, and Centres of Gravity, to Solids form'd by their Revolutions,
and the Surfaces of such Solids; so that if the Determinations were possible,
the Series would terminate at a certain point, or if they did not terminate,
their sums might be had by rule; and if the precise Determinations could not be
obtain'd, yet nearer approaches might still be made towards Infinity; the
happiest and most artful Scheme which the wit of Man could have ever invented
for supplying the imperfection of his own knowledge.
'Twas a great treasure for a Mathematician to be
possess'd of so fruitful and so general a Theory; 'twas a still greater glory
to have been the inventor of a Theory so surprising and ingenious; and 'twas
natural for Sir Isaac Newton, when he saw by Mercator's Book,
that he was upon the right pursuit, and that others might follow him in it, to
have laid open his treasure at large, and secur'd to himself the right of
property, arising from the discovery. But he was satisfied with the enjoyment
of it, without being at all sollicitous about the glory attending it. He says
himself in one of his letters in the Commercium Epistolicum, that he
thought his secret had been entirely discover'd by Mercator, or would
have been by others, before he should have been of a proper age to have
disclos'd it. He suffer'd the honour of an Invention to be ravish'd from
him without regret, from whence he might have promis'd himself the largest
returns of praise; and tho' he lost no time in the pursuit of the noblest
Attempts, yet he waited 'till he was of a convenient age to shew himself to the
World. His Manuscript was only communicated to Mr. Collins and my Lord
Brounker, who were distinguish'd by their Skill in these matters; and
even this could not be obtain'd but by the mediation of Dr. Barrow,
who would not suffer him to indulge his Modesty to the utmost length of his Inclination.
This Manuscript, which the Author gave out of his
hands in 1669. was entitled, A Method, which I had formerly found out,
&c. Now if the word formerly be suppos'd only to comprehend three
years, this beautiful Theory must have been discover'd before he was four and
twenty years old. The same Manuscript farther contains the Invention and
Calculation of Fluxions, which have occasion'd so great a Dispute between Mr. Leibnitz
and Sir Isaac Newton, or rather between Germany and England.
We gave the History of it in 1716. in our Panegyrick upon Mr. Leibnitz;
and tho' our business was then to praise Mr. Leibnitz, yet we there so
exactly observ'd the Impartiality of an Historian, that we have nothing more to
add at present with reference to Sir Isaac Newton. We expressly
declar'd, that Sir Is. Newton was certainly the Inventor; that the
Glory of it was undoubtedly his due; and that the Dispute was only whether Mr.
Leibnitz had borrow'd his notion from him. All England is
convinc'd that he did, tho' the Royal Society have not been decisive in their
Judgment upon it. Sir Isaac Newton's Invention preceded the
publication of Mr. Leibnitz by several years. Mr. Leibnitz on
the other hand is the first who ever made this Method of Calculation publick;
and if he has taken it from Sir Isaac Newton, he has at least
resembled Prometheus in the Fable, who stole Fire from the Gods, that
he might communicate it to Men.
In 1687. Sir Isaac Newton at last determin'd
to throw off the Veil, and let the World see what manner of Man he was; 'twas
then he publish'd his Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.
This Book, in which he has built a new System of Physicks upon the deepest
reasonings in Geometry, did not at first meet with all the applause it
deserv'd, and which it was one day to receive. As it is written with a great
deal of learning, as the Author has been very sparing of his expressions, and
the conclusions are often so hastily drawn from the premisses, that the Reader
is frequently left to supply an intermediate chain of Consequences, it requir'd
some time before the Publick could be able to understand it. Mathematicians of
character were oblig'd to study it with care, before they could be masters of
it; and those of a lower rank did not dare to venture upon it, till encourag'd
by the more learned; but at last, when the Book came to be sufficiently known,
the approbation, which had been so slowly gain'd, became so universal, that
nothing was to be heard from all quarters but one general cry of Admiration.
Mankind were amaz'd at the masterly Strokes, which shone throughout the Work,
and stood astonish'd at the vast Genius for Invention discover'd in it, which
in all the Countries of the learned World hardly ever shews itself in above
three or four Persons during the whole extent of a most fruitful Age.
There are two principal Theories, which prevail above
the rest in the Principia Mathematica, the doctrine of centripetal
Forces, and of the resistance of Fluids to Bodies moving in them; these are
both almost entirely new, and treated of according to the Author's sublime
method of reasoning in Geometry. There's no possibility of touching upon either
of these points without having Sir Isaac Newton before our eyes,
without copying from him, or treading after him, and should we endeavour to
conceal it, 'twould be hardly practicable with all our address to prevent its
being known.
The relation observ'd by Kepler between the
revolutions of the heavenly Bodies, and their distances from the centre of
those Revolutions, holds good throughout the whole celestial System. If we
suppose, as we necessarily must, that a certain force restrains those great
Bodies from proceeding to move according to their natural direction in a right
line from West to East, and draws 'em continually towards a particular Centre,
it will follow from Kepler's rule, that this central or centripetal
Force will have a different action upon the same Body according to its
different distances from this centre, and that in a reciprocal proportion of
the squares of those distances; so as, for instance, if the Body be twice as
far distant from the Centre of its revolution as before, the action of the
central Force upon it will be four times less. Sir Isaac Newton's
System seems to have been founded upon this Observation. We may also suppose or
imagine that the Moon first fell under his consideration, as it has the Earth
for the centre of its Motion.
Were the Moon to lose all the impulse, by which it has
a tendency to move in a right line from West to East, and the central Force
only, by which it is drawn towards the centre of the Earth, were left
remaining, 'twould solely obey that Force, and following its direction only,
would move in a right line towards the centre of the Earth. The motion of its
revolution being known, Sir Isaac Newton demonstrates that by this
motion it would describe 15 Paris feet in the first minute of its
descent. The distance of the Moon from the Earth is 60 of the Earth's
semidiameters; by the time therefore it would have arrived at the surface of
the Earth, the action of the Force, which brought it thither, would be
encreas'd by the square of 60, that is, it would be 3600 times greater than in
the first minute, and thus the Moon in the last minute would describe 3600
times 15 feet.
Now if we suppose, that the force acting upon the Moon
is the same with that which we call Gravity in Bodies upon Earth, it would
follow from the System of Galileo, that the Moon, which upon its
coming to the Earth would have describ'd 3600 times 15 feet in one minute, must
also have describ'd 15 feet in the first 60th part, or in the first second of
that minute. Now we learn from Experiments, which indeed can only be made at
small distances form the Earth's surface, that heavy Bodies let fall upon the
Earth decribe 15 feet in the first second of their fall. They are therefore,
with respect to the times of their descent, precisely in the same case, as if
having made the same revolution round the Earth as the Moon, and at the same
distance, they were let fall by the sole force of their Gravity: If then they
are in the same case with the Moon, the Moon is in the same case with them, and
is only drawn towards the centre of the Earth every moment by the force of the
same Gravity. So exact a conformity, or rather so perfect an identity, of
Effects can only arise from an identity of causes.
'Tis true, that in the System of Galileo,
which we have hitherto follow'd, Gravity is supposed to be every where the
same, whereas the centripetal force of the Moon is shewn to be different in the
very demonstration we have just now given. But the reason is, that in all our
Experiments the greatest height, from whence we can let any Bodies fall, bears
no proportion to the distance of 1500 Leagues, they are all at from the centre
of the Earth. 'Tis demonstrable, that a Canon-ball discharg'd horizontally,
upon the supposition of an uniform Gravity, describes a Parabola, which is
terminated in one point by the place where it first falls to the Ground; but
was it discharg'd from an eminence high enough to make the inequality of the
action of Gravity sensible, it would describe an Ellipsis instead of a
Parabola, which would have the centre of the Earth for one of its Focus's, that
is, it would do exactly the same thing as the Moon does.
If the Moon is heavy after the same manner as all
Bodies upon Earth are heavy; if it is drawn towards the Earth by the same
force, which draws them thither; if according to Sir Isaac Newton's
expression it gravitates towards the Earth, the same principle prevails
throughout all the wonderful system of the heavenly Bodies; for all nature is
exactly the same, the like uniform disposition is every where to be discern'd,
the same Ellipses describ'd by Bodies moving round another Body, which is
plac'd in one of their Focus's. The Satellites of Jupiter gravitate
towards Jupiter, as the Moon gravitates towards the Earth, the
Satellites of Saturn towards Saturn, and all the Planets
together towards the Sun.
We are ignorant wherein the nature of Gravitation
consists, nor was Sir Isaac Newton himself acquainted with it. If
Gravitation is caus'd by impulse, we may conceive a piece of falling Marble to
be impell'd toward the Earth, without the Earth's having any tendency to move
towards the Marble; and in a word, all the Centres, to which the motions
arising from Gravitation are directed, may be suppos'd immoveable. But if it
acts by Attraction, the Earth cannot attract the piece of Marble, without the
reciprocal action of the Marble upon the Earth; for why should any particular
Bodies be endued with an attractive power rather than others? Sir Isaac
Newton supposes the action of Gravitation to be constantly reciprocal in
all Bodies, and proportional only to the quantities of matter contain'd in 'em,
and by this means he seems to determine, that Gravitation is in reality an
Attraction. 'Tis this word only he makes use of upon all occasions to denote
the active force there is in Bodies; a force unknown indeed, and which he does
not pretend to define; but if it could also act by impulse, why did he not
rather make choice of the clearer expression, since all will allow that they
are of too different a nature to be used promiscuously? The perpetual use of
the word Attraction, supported by so great an authority, and perhaps also by Sir
Isaac Newton's own inclination for the thing itself, at least renders
an idea familiar to his readers, which the Cartesians had rejected, and all
other Philosophers had condemn'd; we must therefore be upon our guard not to
look upon it as a reality, as we are exposed to the temptation of believing
that we understand it.
But be this as it will, all Bodies, according to Sir Is.
Newton, gravitate towards one another, or attract one another in
proportion to the quantities of matter contain'd in 'em; and in revolving about
a common Centre, by which they are consequently attracted, and which they
mutually attract, their attractive forces vary in a reciprocal proportion of
their distances from that Centre; and if all together with their common Centre
revolve about another Centre which is common to others with them, new relations
must hence arise, which will form a surprising complication. Thus every single
Satellite of Saturn gravitates towards the other four, and the other
four gravitate towards the fifth; all the five gravitate towards Saturn,
and Saturn towards them; they all gravitate towards the Sun, and the
Sun towards them all. What an immense skill in Geometry must have been
requisite to unravel the intricacies of so many different relations? It seems
to have been a bold attempt to have undertaken it; and one cannot without
amazement consider, that from so abstracted a Theory, form'd of so many
particular Theories, and all of 'em puzzled with difficulties, conclusions
should always arise exactly conformable to such facts, as have been establish'd
by Astronomy.
Nay farther, upon some occasions, facts, to which
Astronomers had not sufficiently attended, seem to have been presag'd by these
conclusions. It has been alledg'd for some time past, and especially in England,
that when Saturn and Jupiter are in their greatest proximity,
tho' then their distance is 165 millions of leagues, their motions are not so
regular as in the rest of their course; and Sir Isaac Newton's System
at once assigns the reason for it, which no other System but his could ever
account for. Jupiter and Saturn do then attract one another
with the greater force, because they are nearer to each other, and by this
means the regularity of their course is sensibly affected: And even the
quantity and bounds of this irregularity are capable of being determin'd.
The Moon is the most irregular of all the heavenly
Bodies, the exactest Tables very often fall short of pointing out her course,
and we are frequently at a loss to account for the variety of her wanderings.
Dr. Halley, whose profound skill in Mathematicks is no hindrance to
his being a good Poet, says in the verses he has set before the 3d Edition of
Sir Isaac Newton's Principia, that the Moon had not till then been
subject to the reins of any Calculation, nor subdued by any Astronomer,
but that at last she had submitted to Rule in this new System. All the
irregularities of her course are there so necessary, as to become capable of
being foretold; and 'tis hardly possible that a System, which so readily
accounts for 'em, should not be a just one, if we consider 'em especially as
the small part of a whole, in which an infinite number of other appearances are
explain'd with the like happy success. The flux and reflux of the Sea seem so
naturally to arise from the joint actions of the Sun and Moon upon the Waters,
that this once surprising Phænomenon appears now to be no longer wonderful.
The other Theory, upon which the Principia
turns, is the doctrine of the Resistance of Fluids to Bodies moving in 'em; and
this must necessarily take in some of the principal Phænomena of Nature, such
as the motions of the heavenly Bodies, Light, and Sound. Sir Isaac Newton
has distinctly examin'd upon geometrical Principles the effects of this
resistance arising from the several considerations of the density of the
Medium, the velocity of the moving Bodies, and the magnitude of their Surfaces;
and has at last drawn conclusions from 'em, which are absolutely inconsistent
with the Vortices of Des Cartes, and quite overturn that mighty
celestial Pile, which had formerly been lookt upon as impossible to be shaken.
If the Planets move round the Sun in any fluid whatsoever, let the ethereal
matter which fills up all Space be never so subtle, the Bodies moving in it cannot
but demonstrably find some resistance; and if so, whence comes it to pass, that
the motions of these Planets are not perpetually and even suddenly impair'd? Or
how can the Comets so freely move across these Vortices in directions contrary
to the motions of the vortical Fluid, without any sensible alteration in their
motions? Or is it possible, that these immense Torrents, moving with an almost
incredible rapidity, should not in an instant absorb all the motion of a
particular Body, which is but as an Atom in comparison with them, and forcibly
carry it along with 'em in their circumvolution?
The heavenly Bodies do therefore move in a void space,
except that the Exhalations arising from 'em in conjunction with the Rays of
Light, which variously intermix with each other, intersperse a small quantity
of matter in the almost infinite portions of immaterial space. The Vacuum and
Attraction, which had been banish'd by Des Cartes from the physical
World, and to all outward seeming were banish'd for ever, are brought back
again by Sir Isaac Newton arm'd with a new force, of which they had
been judg'd incapable, and perhaps only a little chang'd in appearance.The two great Men, who are here found in so great an
opposition, did in many respects very much resemble each other. They were both
of 'em men of a superlative genius, born to command over others, and to lay the
foundation of Empires: Both of 'em were excellent Mathematicians, and saw the
necessity of introducing Geometry into Physicks; and both of 'em form'd their
Systems upon geometrical Reasonings, which they ow'd almost entirely to
themselves. But the one was for taking a bold flight, and placing himself at
the fountain-head resolv'd to subject even first Principles to certain clear
and fundamental Ideas of his own, from whence he would deduce the appearances
of Nature as so many consequences from his positions. Whilst the other with
more caution and modesty began with observing the operations of Nature, and
gradually advancing to unknown principles, with a resolution to admit of such
only as might be supplied by a chain of consequences. The one proceeds from
what he clearly understands, to find out the cause of what he sees: And the
other from what he sees to find out the cause, whether plain or obscure. The
evident principles of the one do not always conduct him to appearances such as
in reality they are; and appearances do not always lead the other to such
principles as are sufficiently evident: Whilst the limits, which in these two
opposite methods could put a stop to the farther progress of two such men as
these, are not limits of their own, but of human Understanding.
At the same time that Sir Isaac Newton was
engag'd upon his great work of the Principia, he had another on his
hands, altogether as much an Original as the former; and tho' less general in
the title, yet as extensive in the manner he design'd to handle it. 'Tis his Opticks,
or Treatise of Light and Colours, which first came abroad in 1704.
after the Author had spent 30 years in making the Experiments, he judg'd
necessary to compleat it. 'Tis no easy matter to be able to make an Experiment
with accuracy. The least fact, which offers itself to our consideration, takes
in so many other facts, which modify or compose it, that it requires the utmost
dexterity to lay open the several branches of its composition, and no less
sagacity to find 'em out. It must be subdivided into other facts, which are
themselves compounded; and unless we have at first fallen upon a right method
of pursuit, we shall find our selves very often involv'd in unextricable
difficulties. Original and elementary facts seem to have been conceal'd from us
by nature with as much care as their causes, and when once we come to discover
'em, the view is entirely new, and altogether unforeseen.
The constant object of Sir Isaac Newton's
Opticks is the Anatomy of Light. The expression is not too bold, nor more
comprehensive than the thing itself. A very small Beam of Light, admitted into
a dark room, which yet can never be so small as not to consist of an infinite
number of Rays, is divided and dissected, so as to give the elementary Rays, of
which it is compos'd, distinct from each other, and differing in colour, which
shall after that separation remain unalterable; the whiteness of the undivided
beam before its dissection resulting from the intermixture of all the
particular colours of the original rays. This separation of rays has been found
so difficult, that when Mr. Mariotte attempted it upon the first
report of Sir Isaac Newton's Experiments, he fail'd of success, tho'
he had so remarkable a genius for making Experiments, and had succeeded so well
on so many other occasions.
'Twould have been impossible to have ever separated
the primary-colour'd Rays, if they had not been naturally disposed to an
inequality of Refraction, in passing thro' the same medium, the same glass
prism, and by that means to be disunited, when receiv'd at convenient
distances. This different Refrangibility of red, yellow, green, blue, violet,
and the vast variety of intermediate-colour'd Rays, a property which had never
been suspected, and which no conjecture could ever have form'd, is the
fundamental Discovery in Sir Is. Newton's Treatise. From the different
Refrangibility we are led to the different Reflexibility; and what is still
more curious, the same sort of Rays at equal angles of incidence on any thin
transparent plate are alternately reflected and transmitted for many
successions; a kind of sport, which could never have been distinguished but by
a very good eye, assisted by a very good judgment. And lastly, (in which point
only the first thought was not Sir Isaac Newton's) the Rays which pass
near the edges of Bodies without touching them, do not pass by them in right
lines, but are somewhat turn'd aside, and form that sort of bending which he
calls Inflection. From all which observations taken together, he has drawn up a
system of Opticks, so perfectly new, that this Science must be always look'd
upon hereafter as almost entirely owing to this great Author.
And, that he might not be wholly confin'd to
speculations, which are sometimes unjustly censur'd as mere Amusements, he has
farther given us the invention and design of a reflecting Telescope, tho' it
was not well executed till some time after. We have seen here, that such a
Telescope, of no more than two foot and a half long, has magnified as much as a
good common Telescope of eight or nine foot long; a considerable advantage, and
such as our posterity will undoubtedly be more sensible of hereafter, than we
can be at present.
One benefit arising from this performance, and which
may be as momentous as any other branch of knowledge contain'd in it, is, that
it supplies us with an excellent model how we should proceed in experimental
Philosophy. Whenever we are to search into Nature by Experiments and
Observations, we must follow Sir Isaac Newton's example, and act with
the same caution and exactness that he has done. He has by a peculiar happiness
reduc'd to calculation such matters, as seem'd too nice to be the subject of
any enquiry; and to such a calculation, as the greatest skill in Geometry alone
could never have effected. The application he has made of his Geometry is as
curious, as his Geometry itself is sublime.
He did not finish his Opticks, because he was
interrupted in the course of Experiments, which he judg'd necessary, and had
not time to take the subject again into his consideration. And 'twill require
almost as able hands as the first Architect to compleat the unfinish'd
Building. However he has given directions, as much as was possible, to such as
should be willing to extend their enquiries farther than he has done, and has
even pointed out the way for passing from a Course of Opticks to an entire
System of Physicks. Under the form of Queries he proposes a great variety of
hints, which may be serviceable to Philosophers hereafter, or will at least
contain the first thoughts of a great Philosopher, which will always be an
entertainment to the curious.
Attraction is the prevailing principle in this short
Abridgment of a System of Physicks. The force in Bodies which we call hardness,
is no other than the mutual attraction of their particles, which causes 'em to
adhere closely together; and if they are of such a figure, as to touch one
another on all sides without leaving any interstices between, they are Bodies
perfectly hard. Of this sort only are the primary, unalterable particles, of
which all other Bodies are compos'd. Chymical fermentations, or
effervescencies, whose motions are sometimes so violent, as not improperly to
be compar'd to Hurricanes, are the effects of this powerful attraction, which
acts in very small bodies only at very small distances.
In general he is of opinion, that Attraction is the
active principle of universal Nature, and the cause which puts all Bodies into
motion. For were a certain quantity of motion, originally impress'd upon matter
by God Almighty, to be differently distributed according to the known laws of
motion, it evidently appears that this motion would be continually decreasing
from the contrary impressions of Bodies striking against each other, without
any possibility of its being recruited; and thus the Universe would soon fall
into a state of inactivity, which would be the general decay of the whole; whilst
the power of attraction always subsisting, without any diminution of its force,
will constantly furnish a perpetual supply of life and action. Tho' indeed it
may so happen, that the particles of matter may enter into such associations
thro' the variety of their attractions, that considerable irregularities may be
produc'd from thence in the frame of Nature, and this System, according to Sir Isaac
Newton's expression, may stand in need of a Reformation.
He expressly declares, that he does not assign Attraction
as a cause that he is able to account for, but only that he considers,
compares, and calculates the effects of this principle; and to avoid the
imputation of introducing again the occult Qualities of the Schoolmen, he says,
that he derives only manifest and very sensible Principles from Phænomena, tho'
in reality the causes of those Principles are not yet discover'd, and he leaves
'em to be found out by other Philosophers. But were not the occult Qualities of
the Schoolmen Causes, and did they not apparently see the Effects? Or did Sir Isaac
Newton believe, that the occult Causes, which he has not been able to
discover himself, would be found out by others? Or has he given us any
encouragement to enquire after 'em?
He has added at the end of his Opticks two Treatises,
which are purely mathematical, the one about squaring curvilinear Figures, and
the other entitl'd, Enumeratio Linearum tertii ordinis. He has since
omitted 'em, as not belonging to the Subject of his Book; and in 1711. they
were printed separately with his Analysis per Quantitatum series,
Fluxiones, ac differentias. And I shall only add this remark concerning
'em, that in all these Performances he has discover'd a Genius and Skill in
Geometry, which were peculiar only to himself.
A person so entirely given up to speculation may
naturally be suppos'd to have been both indifferent towards business, and
uncapable to manage it. And yet in the year 1687, the year he publish'd his Principia,
when the privileges of the University of Cambridge, where he had been
Professor of Mathematicks from the year 1669. by the resignation of Dr. Barrow
in his favour, were attack'd by King James II. he was one of the most
zealous to maintain 'em, and was accordingly nominated one of the Delegates of
the University to the High-Commission Court. He was also chose Member of
Parliament in the Convention of 1688. and held his seat there till it was
In 1696. the Earl of Halifax, Chancellor of
the Exchequer, and the great Patron of the Learned (for the English
Noblemen don't make a merit of their disregard to Letters, but are often Men of
Learning themselves) obtain'd of King William to make Sir Isaac
Newton Keeper of the Mint, in which office he did him very signal Services
at the time the Money was call'd in to be recoin'd. And about three years after
he was advanc'd to be Master of the Mint, an employment of a considerable
value, which he held till the day of his death.
'Tis reasonable to suppose, that he was fix'd in this
post because of his great skill in Geometry and Natural Philosophy; and indeed
'tis an affair which very often demands both difficult Calculations and a great
number of chymical Experiments; and he has given proofs of his Abilities this
way in the Table of Assays of foreign Silver, which he printed at the end of
Dr. Arbuthnot's Book: 'Tho his Genius cannot but have extended
farther, and reach'd even to matters purely political, without any intermixture
of speculative knowledge. In 1701. he was again chose Member of Parliament for
the University of Cambridge. And perhaps after all it may be a mistake
to look upon Learning and Business as so inconsistent with each other,
especially in Men of a certain disposition. For political Affairs, if well
understood, are naturally reduc'd into certain nice Calculations and
Combinations, which minds accustom'd to deep Speculations do more easily and
surely comprehend, from the time they are made acquainted with the proper
facts, and furnish'd with the necessary materials.
Sir Isaac Newton has had the singular good
fortune to enjoy the honours he deserv'd in his own life-time, very different
from Des Cartes, who did not receive 'em till after his death The English
are not apt to pay the less regard to great Abilities for being of their native
growth; but instead of endeavouring to lessen 'em by injurious reflections, or
approving the envy which attacks 'em, they all join together in striving to
advance 'em; and that excess of Liberty, which divides 'em upon subjects of the
greatest importance, is no hindrance to their unanimity in this. They are all
sensible that a great Genius must reflect honour upon the State, and whoever is
able to procure it to their Country, is upon that account infinitely dear to
'em. All the learned Men of a Nation, which abounds in Men of Learning, plac'd
Sir Isaac Newton at their head by a kind of general consent; they
acknowledg'd him for their Master and Chief, not a Rebel dar'd to rise up
against him, nor did they admit of so much as a cool Admirer. His Philosophy
was embrac'd by all England; it prevails in the Royal Society, and in
all the excellent productions of its Members, as tho' it had been already
consecrated by the veneration of a long succession of Ages. He was reverenc'd
in short to so great a degree, that death could not add any new honours to him;
he liv'd to see his own Apotheosis. Tacitus, who has reproached the Romans
with their extreme indifference towards the great Men of their own Nation,
would have given the English the quite contrary commendation. In vain
might the Romans have excus'd themselves by urging, that great merit
was become familiar to 'em; Tacitus would have answer'd, that great
merit was never common, or at least they should, if possible, have endeavour'd
to make it so by the glory that should have attended it.
In 1703. Sir Isaac Newton was chosen
President of the Royal Society, and continued in the chair for three and twenty
years without interruption 'till the day of his death; a single instance; nor
did they apprehend they had any reason to fear the consequences. In 1705. he
was knighted by Queen Anne, a title of honour, which at least implies,
that his name had reach'd as far as the Throne, where the names of the most
eminently learned do not always arrive. He was more known at Court than ever
under the reign of King George. The Princess of Wales, the
present Queen of England, was too well acquainted with his character
not to enquire after him, or be satisfied, 'till she had seen him. She has oft
been heard to declare in publick, that she thought her self happy in having
been born in the same age, and convers'd with him. In how many ages, and how
many other countries might he have liv'd, without finding there a Princess of Wales!
He had written a Treatise of antient Chronology, which
he did not care to publish, but the Princess, with whom he entrusted the
particulars of his design, found 'em so ingenious, that she was desirous to
have an abridgment of the whole Work, which was never to go out of her hands,
but to be reserv'd only for her private use: And she still keeps it as one of
the greatest Treasures she has in her possession. However a Copy of it got
abroad, as 'twas natural that a Curiosity rais'd by the expectation of so
valuable a fragment of Sir Isaac Newton's, should take all imaginable
pains to purchase it; and 'twould be too severe a censure in us, to condemn the
attempt. This Copy was brought over into France by the person who was so
fortunate as to obtain it, and the esteem he put upon it prevented his keeping
it up so closely as might have been desir'd. 'Twas seen, translated, and at
last printed.
The principal point in Sir Isaac Newton's
Chronology, so far as we are able to collect from the Abridgment, is, by some
close reasonings upon the faint remains we have left us of the old Greek
Astronomy, to find out the Position of the Equinoctial Colure in the time of Chiron
the Centaur with reference to the fix'd Stars. As we are now satisfied that
these Stars change their Longitude one degree in about seventy two years, could
we once learn thro' what Constellation the Colure pass'd in the time of Chiron,
by taking the distance from the present Equinoctial Point, we might be able to
find out the number of years which have passed since Chiron's age. Chiron
was concern'd in the famous expedition of the Argonauts; and therefore
this discovery would fix the Epocha of the Argonautick
expedition, and by a necessary consequence the Æra of the Trojan War,
upon which two great events all the antient Chronology does entirely depend.
And Sir Isaac Newton places 'em five hundred years nearer to the birth
of Christ than other Chronologers generally do. This System has been oppos'd by
two learned Gentlemen in France, who have been blam'd by the English
for having been too forward with their Criticisms, in not having waited till
the publication of the entire Work. But this very forwardness has done honour
to Sir Isaac Newton. They laid hold of the first opportunity, which
could offer 'em the glory of contending with so great an Adversary; and they
have found others to rise up in his stead. The learned Dr. Halley,
first Astronomer to the King of Great Britain, has already written in
defence of the Astronomical part of the System; and his regards for his
deceased Friend, and his perfect knowledge of the Subject, must render him a
formidable Opponent. The dispute however is not yet ended, the very few who are
judges of the affair, have not decided it; and if it should so happen, that the
strongest Arguments should lie on one side, and the name of Sir Isaac Newton
on the other, the publick, 'tis probable, would remain some time in suspence,
and perhaps might be excusable for doing so.
As soon as the Academy of Sciences were impower'd by
the regulations which pass'd in 1699, to add foreigners to their Society, they
did not fail to make choice of Sir Isaac Newton. He held a constant
correspondence with 'em by sending over to 'em whatever he publish'd. These
were his former labours, which he either caused to be reprinted, or were then
sent abroad for the first time: For after he was employ'd in the Mint, which
had been for some years before, he engag'd in no considerable undertaking in
Mathematicks or Philosophy. For tho' the solution of the famous Problem about
the Trajectoria, which was proposed to the English by M.
Leibnitz as a Challenge, during his dispute with them, and had been
carefully sought out by him as an intricate and difficult Proposition, might
pass for a considerable Production, yet it was no more than a mere Amusement to
Sir Isaac Newton. He received the Problem at four in the evening, as
he was returning from the Mint fatigued with business, and finish'd the
solution before he went to bed. And how, having been so serviceable to all the
learned in Europe, by the improvements he had made in speculative
knowledge, he gave himself up entirely to the service of his Country by an
application to business, that was attended with a more direct and sensible
advantage, an employment which must affect every good Citizen with a visible
pleasure; but if at any time he had any leisure hours, he would then give way
to his curiosity, and thought no scorn of any sort of knowledge, but knew how
to reap a benefit from all. There were found amongst his papers abundance of
discourses after his death, upon subjects of Antiquity, History, and even
Divinity, tho' so remote from the Sciences for which he was distinguish'd. He
suffer'd no moment to pass by him idly; nor whilst he was employ'd, could he be
content with a slight application.
He liv'd in perfect health, till he was above
fourscore years old, a very material circumstance of the singular happiness he
enjoy'd. He then began to complain of an involuntary Flux of Urine; tho' for
the five years after, which preceded his death, he had great intervals of
health or ease, procur'd by the observance of a strict regimen, and cautions he
had no need of before. He was oblig'd to rely on Mr. Conduit, who had
married his Niece, for the discharge of his office at the Mint; and this he did
upon the fullest assurances, that he committed so important a trust to very
able hands. His judgment has been confirm'd since his death by the King's
choice, who has confer'd the place upon Mr. Conduit. Sir Isaac
Newton was a stranger to pain till the last twenty days of his life. 'Twas
certainly judged that he had the Stone, and could not possibly be cur'd. And
tho' the paroxysms were so violent, that large drops of sweat have run down his
cheeks, he was never heard to utter a groan, or give any sign of impatience;
and as soon as he had a moment's ease, he would smile, and discourse with his
usual cheerfulness. Till this time he had constantly read or wrote several
hours every day. He read the News-Papers of Saturday the 18th of March
O. S. in the morning, and talk'd a long time with the celebrated Physician
Dr. Mead; he was perfectly in his senses, and enjoy'd his
understanding to the utmost; but towards evening he lost 'em quite, and never
afterwords recover'd 'em; as if the faculties of his Soul had been subject only
to a total extinction, and not liable to any decay. He died the Monday
following on the 20th of March, in the 86th year of his age.
His body lay in State in the Jerusalem
Chamber, from whence persons of the highest rank, and sometimes crown'd Heads
have been carried to their graves. He was convey'd from thence into Westminster-Abbey,
the Pall being held up by the Lord Chancellor, the Dukes of Montrose
and Roxburgh, and the Earls of Pembroke, Sussex and Macclesfield.
From these six English Peers, who discharg'd this solemn office, we
may form a judgment of the great number of persons of distinction, who must
have had a share in the pomp of the Funeral. The Bishop of Rochester
read the service, attended by all the Clergy of his Church. The Corps was
interr'd near the entrance into the Choir. We must go back almost as far as the
antient Greeks, if we would find a like instance of so great a
veneration paid to Learning. Sir Isaac Newton's family have farther
imitated the example of Greece, by erecting a noble Monument to his
memory, upon which they are about to bestow a considerable sum. The Dean and
Chapter of Westminster have given leave that it shall be rais'd in a
part of the Abbey, which has been refus'd to persons of the first Quality. His
Country and Family have paid him the same regards, as if he had made choice of
them himself.
He was of a mean Stature, and a little inclin'd to
fulness in his later years, of a quick and piercing eye, with a countenance at
the same time venerable and engaging, especially when he would throw off his
Perruque, and shew his silver Hairs, which hung down in large locks upon his
shoulders. He never made use of spectacles, nor lost any more than one single
Tooth during his whole life. His name will justify our descending to these
minute particulars. He was naturally of a peaceable disposition, and
passionately fond of his quiet. He would have rather chose to have lain in
obscurity, than to have seen the calm of his life disturb'd by the wranglings
and disputes, which are the certain consequences of being eminent. We learn
from one of his Letters in the Commercium Epistolicum, that when his
Treatise of Opticks was ready for the Press, certain hasty objections, which
had been rais'd against it, made him lay aside the design for that time. I
blam'd my imprudence, says he, for parting with so valuable a blessing
as my quiet, to run after a shadow. But that shadow did not afterwards
escape him, nor did it cost him the quiet he so much valued, but prov'd as real
an happiness as the quiet itself.
With this disposition we may naturally suppose that he
was modest in his deportment; and this character he is said to have always
preserv'd without any alteration, tho' the whole world conspir'd against it. He
never talk'd either of himself or others, nor ever behav'd in such manner as to
give the most malicious observers the least suspicion of his vanity. And tho'
the general approbation of mankind might have spar'd him the pains of
publishing his own merit, yet how industrious would many others have been to
have taken a share in so grateful a task, which most are so unwilling to refer
to the judgment of another? How many great men, who have gain'd the applauses
of the World, have spoil'd the musick of their praises by running out into
their own commendations? He was plain and affable, and open in his dealings
with all mankind. Men of the best Understanding do never overlook what's placed
below 'em, tho' others are too apt to despise what's plac'd above 'em. He never
thought himself discharg'd by his merit or reputation from the common offices
of life; nor strove by any singularity, either natural of acquir'd, to
distinguish himself from other men.
Tho' he firmly adher'd to the Church of England,
he was always averse to the persecution of the Non-Conformists. He judg'd of
men by their manners, and the true Non-Conformists with him were the wicked and
the vicious. Not that he was addicted only to natural Religion, for he was
thoroughly persuaded of the truth of Revelation; and amongst the variety of
Authors, which he was continually reading, the Book he had most constantly in
his hands was the Bible. The plenty he enjoy'd from a large Patrimony and a
considerable Employment, advanc'd by the plainness and frugality of his way of
life, gave him a fair opportunity of encreasing his Revenue. He thought it no
gift to give by will, and for this reason he left none behind him; tho' he
would distribute large sums in his life-time in presents to his Relations, or
to persons whom he knew to stand in need of his assistance. The instances of
his liberality in this way are neither few nor inconsiderable. When decency
requir'd him at any time to launch out into expence and dress, he would never
spare for magnificence, but appear always in a manner suitable to the occasion.
At all other times he was an utter enemy to pomp and figure, which seems great
only to little minds, and reserv'd his income for more important uses. 'Twould
indeed have been somewhat extraordinary, that a mind accustom'd to reflection,
and train'd up to a course of reasoning, should at the same time have been fond
of Shew and in love with Extravagance.
He liv'd always single, and perhaps had no time to
think of marriage, deep sunk at first in a severe and constant course of study
during the prime of life, and afterwards engag'd in the hurry of a considerable
Employment, and it may be so taken up with an intenseness of thought, that he
had no vacancy left him in life, nor any occasion for companion at home. He
left behind him to the value of two and thirty thousand pounds in sterling,
which amounts to seven hundred thousand Livres of French Money. His
Competitor Mr. Leibnitz died rich also, but far inferior to him, and
with a considerable sum in reversion. [NOTE: See the Hist. of the Royal
Acad. for the year 1716. p. 128.] These two extraordinary
instances, and both of 'em in Foreigners, seem to deserve our attention.
Fany Isti Bigo
PM A PPs UNY 2018
Artikel ini menjelaskan bibliografi kehidupan Sir Isaac Newton dan berbagai penemuan teorinya yang menjadi dasar pengembanga teori lain saat ia masuk di Trinity College di Cambridge University.Isaac Newton adalah seorang filsuf alam, fisikawan, matematikawan, ahli astronomi, ahli kimia dan teolog yang berasala dari Inggris yang memberikan banyak terori dan penemuan dalam ilmu pengetahuan. Seperti yang dipaparkan dalam artikel ini penemuan-penemuan tersebut misalnya dalam bidang matematika yaitu kalkulus diferensial dan kalkulus integral, teori binomial, metode Newton untuk pendekatan nilai nol pada suatu fungsi; dalam bidang fisika yaitu pembuktian yang menunjukkan konsistensi hokum gerak planet Keplerdengan teori gravitasi.
Fabri Hidayatullah
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Sir Isaac Newton merupakan seorang fisikawan, matematikawan, ahli astronomi, filsuf alam, alkimiawan, dan teolog yang berasal dari Inggris. Ia merupakan pengikut aliran heliosentris dan ilmuwan yang sangat berpengaruh sepanjang sejarah, bahkan dikatakan sebagai bapak ilmu fisika klasik. Sebenarnya, Newton juga telah memiliki banyak penemuan dalam bidang matematika, seperti generalisasi Teorema Binomial, Identitas Newton, Metode Newton, Polinomial derajat tiga dalam dua variabel, mengklasifikasikan kurva bidang kubik, Berkontribusi besar pada teori perbedaan terbatas, menerapkan geometri koordinat untuk menurunkan penyelesaian persamaan Diophantus, Penggunaan Indeks Pecahan, dan juga Menemukan formula baru untuk pi. Meskipun banyak prestasi atas penemuannya dalam bidang matematika, sepertinya Newton lebih dikenal dalam bidang fisika berkat penemuannya yang hingga saat ini menjadi patokan pembelajaran ilmu fisika ataupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam beragam aktivitas manusia hingga saat ini.
Janu Arlinwibowo
PEP 2018
Filsafah eksperimantal merupakan suatu ilmu yang sangat penting untuk mengembangkan berbagai ilmu pengetahuan di segalam bidang. Dalam melakukan eksperiman yang diperlukan adalah ketelatenan untuk mencari, mampu mengestimasi tingkat keberhasilan dan tidak takut gagal. Kita harus mengikuti teladan Sir Isaac Newton, dan bertindak dengan hati-hati yang sama dan ketepatan bahwa ia telah melakukan.
Aizza Zakkiyatul Fathin
Pps Pendidikan Matematika A
Sebelumnya terimakasih Prof telah mempostingan Biografi Sir Isaac Newton yang menginspirasi. Newton merupakan tokoh yang terkenal sebagai penemu gravitasi dan juga termasuk salah satu orang palin jenius di dunia. Isaac Newton adalah seorang fisikawan, matematikawan, ahli astronomi dan juga ahli kimia yang berasal dari inggris. Namun, seorang ilmuwan besar seperti Newton tidak lantas perjuangannya tidak dipenuhi lika-liku. Kesuksesan Newton yang kita lihat adalah kualitas pertama. Kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang terjadi disebalik itu, bagaimana usahanya, bagaimana di jatuh lalu bisa bangkit lagi. Perjuangan Newton patut kita teladani. Dunia hanya perlu tahu kesuksesan kita dan dunia tidak perlu tahu dibalik kesuksesan itu.
Nani Maryani
S2 Pendidikan Matematika (A) 2018
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Siir Isaac Newton adalah seorang fisikawan, matematikawan, ahli astronomi, teolog, dan filsuf alam yang berasal dari Inggris. Newton merupakan seorang pengikut aliran heliosentris dan salah satu ilmuwan yang sangat berpengaruh dalam dalam membangun peradaban. Ia bahkan dinyatakan sebagai bapak ilmu fisika klasik. Banyak karya atau temuan dari Newton yang membuka mata dunia terutama ilmuwan-ilmuwan lain untuk ikut dalam membangun peradaban manusia
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Nani Maryani
S2 Pendidikan Matematika (A) 2018
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Salah satu karya besar dari Siir Isaac Newton adalah bukunya yang berjudul Philosophy Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Buku in merupakan buku yang paling bersejarah sepanjang sejarah ilmu pengetahuan atau sains. Buku ini menjabarkan tentang hukum gravitasi dan tiga hukum gerak yang mendominasi pandangan sains mengenai alam semesta selama tiga abad lamanya. Ia juga berhasil menunjukan kepada dunia bahwa bumi dan benda-benda di luar angkasa diatur oleh sekumpulan hukum-hukum alam yang sama.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Rosi Anista
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B
Beberapa penemuan Newton di bidang optik, gerak, dan matematika. Newton berteori bahwa cahaya putih adalah gabungan dari semua warna spektrum, dan cahaya itu terdiri dari partikel. Bukunya yang penting tentang fisika, Principia, berisi informasi tentang hampir semua konsep esensial fisika kecuali energi, yang pada akhirnya membantunya menjelaskan hukum gerak dan teori gravitasi. Bersamaan dengan ahli matematika Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Newton dikreditkan karena mengembangkan teori-teori penting kalkulus.
Amalia Nur Rachman
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B UNY 2018
Newton memformulasikan tiga hukum yang mengatur semua gerakan (fenomena) dalam alam semesta. Temuan-temuan tersebut diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan. Sebagai contoh, dengan adanya hukum gravitasi universal Newton kita dapat mengetahui mengapa semua benda jatuh ke bawah, adanya prinsip kekekalan momentum dan momentum sudut, membangun teleskop refleksi pertama yang dapat membantu dalam mengamati benda-benda langit
Sintha Sih Dewanti
Principia menyatakan hukum gerak Newton yang membentuk dasar mekanika klasik. Principia dianggap sebagai salah satu karya paling penting dalam sejarah sains. Newton mendefinisikan tiga hukum geraknya. Dia menggambarkan bagaimana orbit elips bekerja dan bagaimana benda-benda bergerak memberikan gaya pada yang lain.
Dini Arrum Putri
S2 P Math A 2018
Newton adalah seorang ahli fisikawan, matematikawan, yang berasal dari inggris. Temuannya selalu berkaitan dengan alam dan membicarakam tentang adanya gravitasi. Ia bahkan dinyatakan sebagai bapak ilmu fisika klasik. Kita belajar tentang bagaimana benda bisa bergerak, dan terdapat bagaimana bisa terdapat gaya yang membuatnya bergerak. Karya karyanya membantu ilmuwan lain untuk ikut menghasilkan karya karya yang membantu peradaban dunia.