Glossary of Kant's
Technical Terms[*]
By Palmquist, S.P
By Palmquist, S.P
posteriori: a way of gaining knowledge
by appealing to some particular experience(s). This method is used to
establish empirical and hypothetical truths.
priori: a way of gaining knowledge
without appealing to any particular experience(s). This method is used
to establish transcendental and logical truths.
aesthetic: having to do with sense-perception.
In the first Critique this word refers to space and time as the
necessary conditions for sense-perception. The first half of the third Critique
examines the subjective purposiveness in our perception of beautiful or
sublime objects in order to construct a system of aesthetic judgment.
division of a representation into two opposing representations, with a
view towards clarifying the original representation. Philosophy as metaphysics
employs analysis more than synthesis.
analytic: a statement or an item of knowledge which is true solely because
of its conformity to some logical laws.
appearance: an object of experience, when viewed from the transcendental
perspective. Though often used as a synonym for phenomenon, it
technically refers to an object considered to be conditioned by space and
time, but not by the categories.
architectonic: the logical structure given by reason (especially through
the use of twofold and threefold divisions), which the philosopher should use
as a plan to organize the contents of any system.
an action which is determined by the subject's own free choice (see will).
In the second Critique, moral action is defined as being autonomous.
imperative: a command which expresses a general, unavoidable
requirement of the moral law. Its three forms express the requirements
of universalizability, respect and autonomy. Together they establish that an
action is properly called 'morally good' only if (1) we can will all persons to
do it, (2) it enables us to treat other persons as ends and not merely as the
means to our own selfish ends, and (3) it allows us to see other persons as
mutual law-makers in an ideal 'realm of ends'.
categories: the most general concepts, in terms of which every object
must be viewed in order for it to become an object of empirical knowledge.
The four main categories (quantity, quality, relation and modality) each have
three sub-categories, forming a typical example of a twelvefold, architectonic
concept: the active species of representation, by means of which our understanding
enables us to think. By requiring perceptions to conform to the categories,
concepts serve as 'rules' allowing us to perceive general relations between
conscience: the faculty of the human subject which enforces the moral
law in a particular way for each individual by providing an awareness of
what is right and wrong in each situation.
constitutive: playing a fundamental role in making up some type of knowledge.
revolution: in astronomy, the theory that the earth revolves
around the sun; in philosophy, the (analogous) theory that the subject
of knowledge does not remain at rest, but revolves around (i.e.,
actively determines certain aspects of) the object. Thus, the formal
characteristics of the empirical world (i.e., space and time and
the categories) are there only because the subject's mind puts
them there, transcendentally.
Critical: Kant's lifelong approach to philosophy which distinguishes between
different perspectives and then uses such distinctions to settle
otherwise unresolvable disputes. The Critical approach is not primarily
negative, but is an attempt to adjudicate quarrels by showing the ways
in which both sides have a measure of validity, once their perspective is
properly understood. Kant's system of Critical philosophy emphasizes the
importance of examining the structure and limitations of reason itself.
Critique: to use the method of synthesis together with a critical
approach to doing philosophy. This term appears in the titles of the three main
books in Kant's Critical philosophy, which adopt the theoretical, practical
and judicial standpoints, respectively. The purpose of Critical
philosophy is to prepare a secure foundation for metaphysics.
disposition: the tendency a person has at a given point in time to act in one way or
another (i.e., to obey the moral law or to disobey it).
duty: an action which we are obligated to perform out of respect for the moral
empirical: one of Kant's four main perspectives, aiming to establish a kind
of knowledge which is both synthetic and a posteriori.
Most of the knowledge we gain through ordinary experience, or through
science, is empirical. 'This table is brown' is a typical empirical statement.
experience: the combination of an intuition with a concept in the
form of a judgment. 'Experience' in this 'mediate' sense is a synonym
for 'empirical knowledge'. The phrase 'possible experience' refers to a representation
which is presented to our sensibility through intuition, but is
not yet known, because it has not been presented to our understanding
through concepts. 'Experience' in this sense is 'immediate' and
contrasts with 'knowledge'.
faculty: a fundamental power of human subjects to do something or perform
some rational function.
faith: a rational attitude towards a potential object of knowledge
which arises when we are subjectively certain it is true even though we
are unable to gain theoretical or objective certainty. By
contrast, knowledge implies objective and subjective certainty, while opinion
is the state of having neither objective nor subjective certainty. Kant
encouraged a more humble approach to philosophy by claiming to deny knowledge
in order to make room for faith-i.e., by distinguishing between what we can
know empirically and what is transcendent, which we can approach
only by means of faith.
formal: the active or subjective aspect of something-that is, the aspect
which is based on the rational activity of the subject
heteronomy: an action which is determined by some outside influence (i.e., some
force other than the freedom given by practical reason, such as inclination)
impelling the subject to act in a certain way. Such action is nonmoral
(i.e., neither moral nor immoral).
hypothetical: one of Kant's four main perspectives, aiming to establish a kind
of knowledge which is both analytic and a posteriori
(though Kant himself wrongly identified it as synthetic and a priori).
Most metaphysical knowledge is properly viewed from this perspective, instead
of from the speculative perspective of traditional metaphysics.
'There is a God' is a typical hypothetical statement.
ideas: the species of representation which gives rise to metaphysical
beliefs. Ideas are special concepts which arise out of our knowledge
of the empirical world, yet seem to point beyond nature to some transcendent
realm. The three most important metaphysical ideas are God, freedom and
imagination: the faculty responsible for forming concepts out of the
'manifold of intuition' and for synthesizing intuitions with concepts to
form objects which are ready to be judged.
inclination: the faculty or object which motivates a person to act in
a heteronomous way. Following inclinations is neither morally good nor
morally bad, except when doing so directly prevents a person from acting according
to duty-i.e., only when choosing to obey an inclination results in
disobedience to the moral law.
intelligible: presented to the subject without any material being
provided by sensibility. It is more or less equivalent to the terms supersensible
and transcendent.
intuition: the passive species of representation, by means of which our sensibility
enables to have sensations. By requiring appearances to be given in space
and time, intuitions allow us to perceive particular relations between
representations, thereby limiting empirical knowledge to the sensible
judgment: in the first Critique, the use of the understanding by
which an object is determined to be empirically real, through a synthesis
of intuitions and concepts. The third Critique examines
the form of our feelings of pleasure and displeasure in order to construct a system
based on the faculty of judgment (= the judicial standpoint)
in its aesthetic and teleological manifestations.
judicial: one of Kant's three main standpoints, relating primarily to experience-i.e.,
to what we feel, as opposed to what we know or desire to do. Judicial reason
is virtually synonymous with 'Critique' itself, and is concerned with
questions about the most profound ways in which we experience the world.
Finding the source of two examples of such experiences is the task of the third
knowledge: the final goal of the understanding in combining intuitions
and concepts. If they are pure, the knowledge will be transcendental;
if they are impure, the knowledge will be empirical. In a looser sense,
'knowledge' also refers to that which arises out adopting any legitimate perspective.
logical: one of Kant's four main perspectives, aiming to establish a kind
of knowledge which is both analytic and a priori. Hence it
is concerned with nothing but the relationships between concepts. The
law of noncontradiction (A is not -A) is the fundamental law of traditional,
Aristotelian logic. (If we call this 'analytic' logic, then 'synthetic'
logic would be based on the opposite law of 'contradiction' [A is -A].) 'All
bachelors are unmarried' is a typical logical statement.
material: the passive or objective aspect of something-that is, the aspect
which is based on the experience a subject has, or on the objects
given in such an experience.
maxim: the material rule or principle used to guide a person in a
particular situation about what to do (e.g., 'I should never tell a lie'). It
thus provides a kind of bridge between a persons inner disposition and
outer actions.
metaphysics: the highest
form of philosophy, which attempts to gain knowledge of the ideas.
Because the traditional, speculative perspective fails to succeed in
this task, Kant suggests a new, hypothetical perspective for
metaphysics. Metaphysics can succeed only when it is preceded by Critique.
moral law: the one 'fact' of practical reason, which is in every rational
person, though some people are more aware of it than others. The moral law, in
essence, is our knowledge of the difference between good and evil, and
our inner conviction that we ought to do what is good.
noumenon: the name given to a thing when it is viewed as a transcendent object.
The term 'negative noumenon' refers only to the recognition of something which
is not an object of sensible intuition, while 'positive noumenon'
refers to the (quite mistaken) attempt to know such a thing as an empirical
object. These two terms are sometimes used loosely as synonyms for 'transcendental
object' and 'thing in itself', respectively.
object: a general term for any 'thing' which is conditioned by the subject's
representation, and so is capable of being known. The thing in itself
is a thing which cannot become an object.
objective: related more to the object or representation out of which
knowledge is constructed than to the subject possessing the
knowledge. Considered transcendentally, objective knowledge is less
certain than subjective knowledge; considered empirically,
objective knowledge is more certain.
perspective: a way of thinking about or considering something; or a set of
assumptions from which an object can be viewed. Knowing which perspective
is assumed is important because the same question can have different answers
if different perspectives are assumed. Kant himself does not use this word, but
he uses a number of other expressions (such as standpoint, way of
thinking, employment of understanding, etc.) in precisely this way. The
main Critical perspectives are the transcendental, empirical,
logical and hypothetical.
phenomenon: the object of knowledge, viewed empirically, in
its fully knowable state (i.e., conditioned by space and time and the categories).
practical: one of Kant's three main standpoints, relating primarily to action
-i.e., to what we desire to do as opposed to what we know or feel. Practical reason
is a synonym for will; and these two terms are concerned with questions
of morality. Finding the sources of such action is the task of the second Critique.
predisposition: the natural tendency a person has, apart from (or before having) any experience,
to be morally good or evil.
pure: not mixed with anything sensible. Although its proper opposite
is 'impure', Kant normally opposes 'pure' to 'empirical'.
rational: grounded in the faculty of reason rather than in sensibility.
reality: if regarded from the empirical perspective, this refers
to the ordinary world of nature; if regarded from the transcendental
perspective, it refers to the transcendent realm of the noumenon.
reason: in the first Critique, the highest faculty of the human subject,
to which all other faculties are subordinated. It abstracts completely from the
conditions of sensibility. The second Critique examines the form
of our desires in order to construct a system based on the faculty of
reason (= the practical standpoint). Reason's primary function is practical;
its theoretical function, though often believed to be more important,
should be viewed as having a secondary importance.
regulative: providing important guidelines for how knowledge should be used,
yet not itself playing any fundamental role in making up that knowledge.
religion: the way of acting, or perspective, according to which we
interpret all our duties as divine commands.
representation: the most general word for an object at any stage in its determination
by the subject, or for the subjective act of forming the object
at that level. The main types of representations are intuitions, concepts
and ideas.
schematism: the function of the faculty of imagination, through which
concepts and intuitions are combined, or synthesized,
according to a rule (called a schema). In the first Critique, this
function is presented as one of the steps required in order for the understanding
to produce empirical knowledge.
sensibility: the faculty concerned with passively receiving objects.
This is accomplished primarily in the form of physical and mental sensations
(via 'outer sense' and 'inner sense', respectively). However, such sensations
are possible only if the objects are intuited, and intuition depends on space
and time existing in their pure form as well.
sensible: presented to the subject by means of sensibility.
space and
time: considered from the empirical perspective, they form the
context in which objects interact outside of us; considered from the transcendental
perspective, they are pure, so they exist inside of us as conditions of knowledge.
speculative: the illusory perspective which wrongly uses reason in a
hopeless attempt to gain knowledge about something transcendent.
Sometimes used loosely as a synonym of theoretical.
standpoint: the special type of perspective which determines the point from
which a whole system of perspectives is viewed. The main Critical
standpoints are the theoretical, practical and judicial.
subject: a general term for any rational person who is capable of having knowledge.
subjective: related more to the subject than to the object or representation
out of which knowledge is constructed. Considered transcendentally,
subjective knowledge is more certain that objective knowledge;
considered empirically, subjective knowledge is less certain.
summum bonum: Latin for highest good. This is the ultimate goal of the moral system
presented in the second Critique; it involves the ideal distribution of
happiness in exact proportion to each person's virtue. In order to conceive of
its possibility, we must postulate the existence of God and human immortality,
thus giving these ideas practical reality.
supersensible: see intelligible and transcendent.
synthesis: integration of two opposing representations into one new representation,
with a view towards constructing a new level of the object's reality.
Philosophy as Critique employs synthesis more than analysis. On
the operation of synthesis in the first Critique, see imagination.
synthetic: a statement or item of knowledge which is known to be true
because of its connection with some intuition.
system: a set of basic facts or arguments (called 'elements') arranged according
to the order of their logical relationships, as determined by the architectonic
patterns of reason. Kant's Critical philosophy is a System made
up of three subordinate systems, each defined by a distinct standpoint,
and each made up of the same four perspectives.
teleological: having to do with purposes or ends. The second half of the third Critique
examines the objective purposiveness in our perception of natural
organisms in order to construct a system of teleological judgment.
theoretical: one of Kant's three main standpoints, relating primarily to
cognition-i.e., to what we know as opposed to what we feel or desire to do.
Theoretical reason is concerned with questions about our knowledge
of the ordinary world (the world science seeks to understand). Finding the
source of such knowledge is the task of the first
Critique, which would
best be entitled the Critique of Pure 'Theoretical' Reason.
thing in
itself: an object considered transcendentally apart from all the
conditions under which a subject can gain knowledge of it. Hence
the thing in itself is, by definition, unknowable. Sometimes used loosely as a
synonym of noumenon.
time: see space and time.
transcendent: the realm of thought which lies beyond the boundary of possible knowledge,
because it consists of objects which cannot be presented to us in intuition-i.e.,
objects which we can never experience with our senses (sometimes called noumena).
The closest we can get to gaining knowledge of the transcendent realm is to
think about it by means of ideas. (The opposite of 'transcendent' is
transcendental: one of Kant's four main perspectives, aiming to establish a kind
of knowledge which is both synthetic and a priori. It is a
special type of philosophical knowledge, concerned with the necessary
conditions for the possibility of experience. However, Kant believes all
knowing subjects assume certain transcendental truths, whether or not
they are aware of it. Transcendental knowledge defines the boundary between empirical
knowledge and speculation about the transcendent realm. 'Every
event has a cause' is a typical transcendental statement.
object: an object considered transcendentally insofar as it has
been presented to a subject, but is not yet represented in any
determined way-i.e., not yet influenced by space and time or by the categories.
understanding: in the first Critique, the faculty concerned with
actively producing knowledge by means of concepts. This is quite
similar to what is normally called the mind. It gives rise to the logical
perspective, which enables us to compare concepts with each other, and to
the empirical perspective (where it is also called judgment),
which enables us to combine concepts with intuitions in order to produce
empirical knowledge. The first Critique examines the form of our
cognitions in order to construct a system based on the faculty of
understanding (= the theoretical standpoint).
will: the manifestation of reason in its practical form (see practical).
The two German words, 'Willkür' and 'Wille' can both be translated in English
as 'will'. Willkür refers to the faculty of choice, which for Kant is
just one (empirical) function of the more fundamental faculty of practical
reason (= Wille).
[*] Source: Palmquist,
S.P., 2004, “Glossary of Kant’s Technical
Terms”. Retrieved 2004
Nani Maryani
S2 Pendidikan Matematika (A) 2018
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Beberapa kata-kata bijak oleh Immanuel Kant adalah sebagai berikut. Pengalaman tanpa teori itu buta, tapi teori tanpa pengalaman hanyalah sebuah permainan kecerdasan. Akhirnya aku harus menghapus ilmu pengetahuan untuk menciptakan ruang untuk kepercayaan. Bertindaklah seakan dasar-dasar tindakakanmu akan menghasilkan sebuah hukum untuk seluruh dunia. Moral bukanlah doktrin bagaimana kita membuat diri kita bahagia, tapi bagaimana kita membuat diri kita layak akan kebahagiaan. Dan masih banyak lagi kata-kata yang pernah dikatakan oleh Immanuel Kant.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Janu Arlinwibowo
PEP 2018
Kant merupakan filsuf yang memiliki paham kritikisme, dimana pahamnya memikirkan bahwa segala yang ada dan yang mungkin ada tidak lepas dari yang di pikiran dan luar pikiran. Sebelumnya muncul perdebatan antara dua aliran yang berpegang pada idealism melawan aliran yang berpegang pada realism. Khat muncul dengan perbedaan, yaitu menggambarkan bahwa sesungguhnya antara pikiran dan realita adalah dua hal pokok yang sama-sama member pengaruh besar.
Rindang Maaris Aadzaar
S2 Pendidikan Matematika 2018
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Berdasarkan daftar istilah yang dikemukakan oleh Immanuel Kant, terdapat beberapa istilah yang sering digunakan. Salah satunya adalah sintesis yang menurut Kant artinya "Integrasi dua representasi yang berlawanan menjadi satu representasi baru, dengan pandangan ke arah membangun tingkat baru dari realitas objek. Filosofi sebagai kritik menggunakan sintesis lebih dari analisis. Pada operasi sintesis dalam Kritik pertama, lihatlah imajinasi."
Berfilsafat adalah sintesis yaitu mengenali tesis-tesis, membuat antitesisnya dan membuat sintesis. Untuk lulus mahasiswa pascasarjana juga harus mencari tesis-tesis. Tesis adalah teorinya kemudian diteliti dan menemukan antitesisnya maka terjadi diskusi pembahasan yang disebut sintesis.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Amalia Nur Rachman
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B UNY 2018
Dari artikel artikel sebelumnya telah kita ketahui bahwa Immanuel Kant merupakan seorang filsuf besar yang mempunyai peran dalam menyatukan aliran rasionalisme dan empirisme pada abad ke 16. Dalam pemikirannya, Kant mengungkapkan bahwa suatu pengetahuan diperoleh melalui pikiran dan juga pengalaman atau dalam istilah kita kenal sebagai sintetik a priori. Tak hanya itu, Kant juga memunculkan istilah istilah lainnya dalam filsafat seperti a posteriori, a priori, transenden dan lain sebagainya. Diharapkan bukan hanya sekedar memperkaya istilah , namun kita dapat memahami makna yang terkandung dalam istilah tersebut. Melalui glossary of kant dapat kita jadikan sebagai bahan belajar awal mengenai filsafat dan istilahnya.
Luthfannisa Afif Nabila
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh.
Dari penjelasan diatas, dikatakan bahwa a posteriori adalah cara mendapatkan pengetahuan dengan menarik beberapa pengalaman tertentu untuk menetapkan kebenaran empiris dan hipotetis. Sedangkan a priori adalah cara mendapatkan pengetahuan tanpa menarik pengalaman khusus apa pun untuk menetapkan kebenaran transendental dan logis. Yang ingin saya tanyakan adalah bagaimana filsafat memandang kebenaran empiris dan kebenaran transcendental secara filsafat? Lalu, kebenaran yang seperti apa dapat dikatakan bahwa itu adalah kebenaran empiris? Dan kebenaran yang seperti apa dapat dikatakan bahwa itu adalah kebenaran transcendental? Apakah ada perbedaan yang dominan antara kebenaran empiris dan kebenaran transcendental? Lalu, dalam a posteriori, pengalaman yang seperti apakah yang dapat untuk menetapkan kebenaran? Dan dalam a priori, kenapa bisa menetapkan kebenaran tanpa pengalaman? Lalu, dengan cara apa untuk menetapkan kebenaran dalam a priori? Terima kasih.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh
Septia Ayu Pratiwi
S2 Pendidikan Matematika 2018
Immanuel Kant dikenal sebagai tokoh kritisme. Filsafat kritisme yang diajukan bertujuan untuk menjembatani kaum rasionalisme dan empirisme. Kant menegaskan keterbatasan kemampuan rasio manusia untuk mengetahui realitas atau hakikat sesuatu, rasio hanya mampu menjangkau gejalanya atau fenomenanya saja. Glosarium diatas sangat membantu sekali untuk memahami istilah-istilah dalam filsafat terutama dalam mempelajari pemikiran Immanuel Kant tersebut. Melalui istilah-istilah diatas, diharapkan kita dapat mempelajari dan memperkaya bahasa-bahasa yang termaktub dalam ilmu filsafat sehingga dapat mempelajari ilmu filsafat lebih dalam lagi.
Bayuk Nusantara Kr.J.T
Knowledge is defined as the final goal of the understanding in combining intuitions and concepts. It means that knowledge will be gotten if you combine your intuition and concepts about something. You will not get the knowledge if you only understand that concept. It takes two to tango in getting the knowledge.
Sintha Sih Dewanti
Pada daftar istilah dari Kant, disposisi diartikan sebagai kecenderungan seseorang pada titik waktu tertentu untuk bertindak dengan satu atau cara lain. Kaitan dengan pembelajaran matematika, disposisi matematis adalah keterkaitan dan apresiasi terhadap matematika yaitu suatu kecenderungan untuk berpikir dan bertindak dengan cara yang positif. Disposisi individu terhadap matematika terwujud melalui sikap dan tindakan dalam memilih pendekatan menyelesaikan tugas. Apakah penyelesaian tugas dilakukan dengan percaya diri, keingintahuan mencari alternatif, tekun, dan tertantang serta kecenderungan merefleksi cara berpikir yang dilakukannya. Refleksi merupakan cara berpikir tentang apa yang baru dipelajari atau berpikir ke belakang tentang apa-apa yang sudah dilakukan di masa lalu. Refleksi akan terlihat pada saat berdiskusi, pernyataan langsung tentang materi yang diperolehnya, catatan, dan hasil kerjanya.
Rosi Anista
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B
Assalamualaikum wr wb
Sistem etika selama ini yang menekankan akibat sebagai ukuran keabsahan tindakan moral dikritik habis-habisan oleh Kant.Telaah atas pemikiran Kant merupakan kajian yang cukup rumit, sedikitnya karena dua alasan. Pertama, Kant membongkar seluruh filsafat sebelumnya dan membangunnya secara baru sama sekali. Filsafatnya itu oleh Kant sendiri disebut Kritisisme untuk melawankannya dengan Dogmatisme
Herlingga Putuwita Nanmumpuni
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Immanuel Kant ialah salah seorang filsuf yang namanya sangat terkenal. Immanuel Kant telah banyak menuangkan karya dan pemikiran besarnya untuk filsafat. Dari sekian banyak istilah-istilah yang telah dikemukakan oleh Immanuel Kant ada yang sangat akrab saya dengar di dalam perkuliahan filsafat ilmu, yaitu a posteriori dan a priori. A posteriori adalah cara mendapatkan pengetahuan dengan menarik beberapa pengalaman tertentu. Metode ini digunakan untuk membangun kebenaran empiris dan hipotetis. Sedangkan A priori adalah cara mendapatkan pengetahuan tanpa menarik pengalaman tertentu. Metode ini digunakan untuk membangun kebenaran transendental dan logis.
Yoga Prasetya
S2 Pendidikan Matematika UNY 2018 A
Banyak istilah-istilah bijak yang dikemukakan oleh Immanuel Kant, salah satunya yaitu faith yang memiliki makna iman. Seseorang yang berfilsafat hendaknya memiliki keimanan (keyakinan) yang akan menghadirkan filsafat yang baik. Filsafat juga memiliki makna yang berbeda karena filsafat dapat dijadikan sebagai objek dan subjek pada ruang dan waktu yang berbeda.
Fabri Hidayatullah
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Belajar filsafat salah satunya ialah dengan cara mempelajari pikiran-pikiran para filsuf. Immanuel Kant merupakan salah seorang filsufyang memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap ilmu pengetahuan. Banyak istilah-istilah penting yang ia kemukakan. Artikel ini memberikan banyak tambahan istilah-istilah baru bagi saya. Selain utu juga memberikan pandangan yang lain tentang istilah yang pernah saya ketahui. Misalnya saja knowledge, understanding dan will yang menjadi definisi baru bagi saya.
Nur Afni
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Menurut kant pengetahuan transendental mendefinisikan batas anatara pengetahuan empiris dan spekulasi tentang dunia transenden. Setiap peristiwa memiliki sebab adalah pernyataan transendental yang khas. Menurut kant suatu objek dianggap transendental jika telah disajikan kepada subjek tetapi belum dipengaruhi ruang dan waktu. terimakasih
Atin Argianti
PPs PM A 2018
Dari daftar tersebut, saya tertarik dengan istilah time yang mempunyai see space and time. Berdasarkan arti tersebut telah mengajarkan kita bahwa ruang dan waktu saling beriringan. Seperti wadah dengan isinya. Waktu adalah ruang, ruang adalah waktu. Berfilsafat sesuai denga ruang dan waktunya.
Atin Argianti
PPs PM A 2018
Berfilsafat membuat tesis, anti tesis, dan mensisntesiskannya. Tesis berupas sumber yang akan dicari, anti tesis bersumber dari yang lain kemudian dari sintesis dan anti tesis tersebut sesuai dengan pikiran kita akan mensistesiskannya. Itulah berfilsafat, menggunakan pikiran kritis untuk melihat berbagai sudut pandang.
Ahmad Syajili
S2 PMD 2019
Terima kasih Pak Prof. atas postingan ini. Dari glossary di atas, saya sekarang lebih memahami makna dari istilah-istilah yang sering saya dengar dan saya baca ketika mempelajari filsafat. Dan tidak sedikit juga saya menemukan istilah-istilah baru dalam glossary di atas.
Semoga postingan ini membawa manfaat bagi kami yang sedang belajar filsafat dan juga menambah khasanah pengetahuan bagi teman-teman yang lain.