The purpose of this blog is to communicate aspects of life such as philosophy, spiritual, education, psychology, mathematics and science. This blog does not mean political, business oriented, pornography, gender and racial issues. This blog is open and accessible for all peoples. Google Translator may useful to translate Indonesian into English or vise versa. (Marsigit, Yogyakarta Indonesia)
Feb 12, 2013
Peer-teaching as one of The Activities of In-service Mathematics Junior High School Teacher Training
Peer-teaching as one of The Activities of In-service Mathematics Junior High School Teacher Training, Period 11 (Sunday, 19-28 November 2008)
Venue : P4TK Yogyakarta , Supervisor 1: Marsigit , Supervisor 2: Sahid
Number of Participants: 10 Teachers
Cycle I : Sunday, November 24, 2008
Teacher 1: Legowo Setyo Budi Prakoso (SMPN2 Srumbung Magelang)
Standard Competent: To understand System of Linear Equation with Two Variables and able to apply them
Topic: System of Linear Equation with Two Variables and able to apply them
Grade: 8th semester 1
Allocation Time: 30 minutes
Teaching Learning Process:
Comment 1: Kasidin, SPd (SMPN4 Cilacap, Central Jawa)
- According to me your teaching enough
- Apperception should be improved
Comment 2: Khusnul Khotimah SPd (SMPN2 Rakit Banjarnegara, Central Jawa)
- Teaching learning was good but it was too quickly
Comment 3: Kasri SPd (SMPN7 Kebumen Central Jawa)
- Your explanation is good enough but the students are mostly passive
Comment 4: Lilik Rusmiyatun, SPd (SMPN1 Krangmojo, Yogyakarta)
- Your teaching is good but the use of white board has not effective yet
- Revising the method of elimination
Comment 5: Kasiyo SPd (SMPN2 Nusawungu Cilacap Central Jawa)
- Performance of teaching is good
- Revising on the method of elimination
Comment 6: Kuswati SPd (SMP Loano Purworejo Central Jawa)
- Your teaching is good however the apperception should be related to daily life.
Comment 7: Lilik Bambang Wibowo SPd (SMPN1 Rembang Purbalingga Central Jawa)
- As a whole your performance is good enough however you looked in a hurry
Comment 8: Laksmi Darwawati SPd (SMPN1 Ajibarang, Banyumas Cntral Jawa)
- The performance of teaching is good
- But the teaching is too quickly
Comment 9: Kusdadi SPd (SMPN1 Nusawungu Cilacap Central Jawa)
- Your performance of teaching is good
- However, apperception need to be related with daily life e.g a mother by some cane of sugar
Teacher’ Reflection:
1. Thank for your inputs
2. Many inputs suggest about our weakness of not good in writing
3. Many times our students want me to be more slowly and I always try to do so, but I still can not do. I want a suggestion form Mr. Marsigit how to make my teaching be more slowly
4. In my opinion, the students should understand mathematics first then apply to daily life
Comment : Supervisor
- The teacher implements directed teaching, guided teaching
- The teacher implements delivery method
- The teacher dominates initiation
- The teacher dominates the class situation
- The teacher implement single method of teaching i.e. expository method in the cycle of: Explaining, Giving Example, Giving Problem, Giving Assignment (homework)
- The students are mostly passive
- So mathematics still belongs to the teacher and not belong to the students yet
- Conclusion : The teacher implement traditional teaching (Teacher centered)
Question 1: Kasri SPd
- I wish to teach this topic contextually however I still difficult to implement it
Respon 1 : Kasidin SPd
- After hearing the input from Mr Marsigit I conclude that the teaching is still traditional
- I want to change my method of teaching
Teacher 2: Kasidin SPd ( SMPN4 Cilacap Central Jawa)
Standard Competent: To understand the form of algebra, equation and unequation of Linear Equation with one Variable
Topic: Linear Equation with one Variable
Grade: 7th semester 1
Allocation Time: 30 minutes
Teaching Learning Process:
- The teacher introduce the topic and explain to the whole class
- Having confident that the students understand his explanation the teacher distribute student work sheet and teaching aids consisting the problem:
Group 1:
Solve the equation 4x – 2 = 2x +6 by adding or subtracting the two side by the same numbers
Group 2:
Solve the equation 4x – 2 = 2x +6 by adding or subtracting the two side by the same numbers
- The students do their worksheet in 2 group ; each group consists of 5 students
- The teacher monitors the students’ activities in the group
- The students look busy and seriously work in their group
- After a moment the teacher let and offer the students to present their results of discussion and activities; however still there were no response from the students because they were still seriously work in their group.
- Because of the time limit, the teacher urges the students from both groups to present their result and to stamp it to white board.
- The students explain the solution of the problem
- The teacher let the students to conclude their results
- Students conclude that : one of the way to solve the equation is by adding or subtracting the two sides by the same number
- The teacher confirmed good of the students’ conclusion
- At the end of the lesson the teacher give the students further problem to be solve individually in the class
Comment : Legowo
- Teaching learning process is good
Comment : Supervisor 1
- The teacher implements more democratic teaching
- The teacher facilitate students need to learn mathematics
- The structure of teaching is clear
- The teacher develops the schema of interaction and the scenario for achieving students competencies
- The students are mostly active
- The situation of the class is conducive to learn
- The teacher develops appropriate students worksheet and teaching aids
- The teachers does not dominate initiation and class athmosphere
The teachers has been successfully implemented innovative teaching learning of mathematics. In fact the teacher has been finishing to participate the Contextual Teaching Learning Training by the central government.
Teacher 3: Kasiyo SPd (SMP N2 Nusawungu Cilacap Central Jawa)
Standard Competent:
Topic: Linear Equation with one Variable
Grade: 8th semester 1
Allocation Time: 30 minutes
Comment 1: other teacher
The content is difficult so I am confusing
Supervisor 2: Sahid
- Revising the tecahing
Supervisor 1: Marsigit
- Teaching is innovative teaching
Teacher 4 : Khusnul Khotimah SPd (SMPN 2 Rakit Banjarnegara, Central Jawa)
Topic : Proportion
Teaching Learning Process:
- The teacher introduce the topic and explain to the whole class
- Having confident that the students understand his explanation the teacher distribute student work sheet and teaching aids consisting the problem:
- The students do their worksheet in 2 group ; each group consists of 5 students
- The teacher monitors the students’ activities in the group
- The students look busy and seriously work in their group
- After a moment the teacher let and offer the students to present their results of discussion and activities; however still there were no response from the students because they were still seriously work in their group.
- Because of the time limit, the teacher urges the students from both groups to present their result and to stamp it to white board.
- The students explain the solution of the problem
- The teacher let the students to conclude their results
- Students conclude that : one of the way to solve the equation is by adding or subtracting the two sides by the same number
- The teacher confirmed good of the students’ conclusion
- At the end of the lesson the teacher give the students further problem to be solve individually in the class
Comment 1: Kasri SPd
- About the title of presentation
Comment 2: Kusdadi SPd
- The teacher has not yet to stress the meaning of numerator and denumerator
Teacher Reflection: Acknowledge, it is about the writing
Supervisor 2 : Sahid
- There was still a confusion from the students about the concept of proportion
- The relationship between proportion and fraction
Supervisor 1: Marsigit
- Teaching learning was innovative but still little bit dominate the class
Teacher 5 : Laksmi Darmawati, SPd (SMPN1 Ajiarang Banyumas Central Jawa)
Standard Competency: To indicate the elements of cycle and its measurement
Topic: cycle
Basic competency: To find the perimeter and area of cycle
Grade: 8th Semester 2
Teaching Learning Process:
- Apperception by questioning about cycle found in daily life
- Posing her own ideas if the teacher expected the students are not able to answer the question
- The teacher prepare students worksheet and teaching aids to find out the perimeter and area of cycle
- The teacher establish three groups
- The teacher in a hurry expecting the students to work at a group
- The teacher disturbs students’ works by always delivering her massages to the whole students while the students were working in the groups.
- The teacher do not wait until the students finish their work at group
- The teacher makes intervention by posing the filled table by power point to get students results
- The teacher perform directed exposition to whole students to explain the process of finding the perimeter and area of cycle.
- The teacher guided the students and explain how to solve the problem
- The teacher implement delivery method of teaching.
Comment 1: Kasiyo SPd
- The performance of teacher
- contoh oleh guru
Comment 2: Kasri SPd
- Baik
- yang menemukan siswanya saja
Teacher Reflection:
- Kurang sehat
- Contoh soal siswa siapa tahu cerdas sambil tes sengaja (kontrol)
- Ketrucut
Supervisor 1:
- At the beginning the has an effort to perform students centered teaching by preparing student worksheet.
- However, the teacher does not employ the result of students works in the group
- The teacher finally dominates and dictates the class to solve the problem
- Conclusion: The teacher strive to perform innovative teaching however there are still many constraints
Teacher 6 : Kusdadi SPd (SMPN1 Nusawungu Cilacap Central Jawa)
Standard Competency: To understand the characteristic of cube, cuboid, prism, pyramid and its component and measurement
Topic: The surface area of cuboid
Basic competency: To find the surface area of cuboid
Grade: 8th Semester 2
Time: 30 minute
Teaching learning process:
- Motivation by question and answer
- Apperception by showing the big model of cuboid made of thick paper (drinking water box)
- Expecting the students to find out the surface area of cuboid by making its net.
- The teacher distribute the small box of the model of cuboid to individual student
- The individual students practicing to make the net of cuboid.
- The teacher chose one students to show its net and stamp to the white board and urge the student to continue to calculate the area of the net.
- While one student was still working the teacher chose other student to do the same in the othar part of white board.
- While two students were working in front of the class the teacher reminds other students to look at and consider as well as to critisize their works.
- The teacher comments and explains the results of two students to the whole class.
- The teacher directed and guided the students to come to the conclusion.
- The teacher conclude the results
Comment 1: Kuswati SPd
- The quality of teacher writing
Comment 2: Kasidin
- Teaching should be completed by LKS
Comment 3: Lilik Kusmiatun
- Formula need to be completed
Supervisor 1:
- It seemed that the teacher was in the mediocrity between traditional and innovative teaching.
- The teacher practices delivering method of teaching
- The teacher dominate students initiation and class situation
- Conclusion: The teacher strive to perform innovative teaching however there are still many constraints
Teacher 7 : Kasri SPd (SMPN7 Kebumen, Central Jawa)
Standard Competency: To understand the characteristic of arithmetical operation and its application
Topic: Addition of integers
Basic competency: To do operation on integers and fractions
Grade: 7th Semester 1
Time: 30 minute
Teaching learning process:
- Motivation by question and answer
- Apperception by indicating many daily problems that related to the problems of arithmetic operations.
- With a quick and lively utterances the teacher initiate to get examples of daily problems
- The teacher forms three group of students
- The teacher prepares students teaching aids and worksheet containing 20 problems
- The teacher asks the students to work in the groups
- The teacher starts to implement directed teaching to solve each problem in the worksheet.
- The teacher very quick and guides the students to solve each problem.
- In the whole class, the teacher uses very powerful controllable utterances to guide the students to solve the problems.
- One of the students found that the teacher did a mistake and the teacher acknowledges it.
- Finishing doing the problems of students worksheet the teacher give 15 problems to the students as an exercise
- There was one student ask the teacher about the problems
- While the students were trying to solve the problems, the teacher monitoring them.
- It takes a long time for the students to solve 20 problems.
- Then, the teacher let one student to read his answer while expect other students to chek their answer.
- The teacher continues above activity until likely it should be finish for 20 problems.
Comment 1: Legowo
- The content of teaching is too easy for junior high students, how about high achievement student?
- I found there was a mistake key answer
Comment 2: Kasiyo
- I found the problem of operation for three numbers ?
- What is the meaning of “negative” and “minus”
Teacher’s Reflection:
- Yes I acknowledge the mistake
- It is not “minus number” but “negative number”
Supervisor 2:
- There should be a follow up on the use of teaching aids
- There was no guide how to use teaching aids
- Minus = operator
Supervisor 1:
- Conclusion: the teacher strive to implement innovative teaching however the willingness to dominate the class is still very high
Teacher 8: L. Bambang Wibowo (SMPN1 Rembang Purbalingga, Central Jawa)
Standard Competency: To understand the system of linear equation with two variablesTopic: the system of linear equation with two variables
Basic competency: To use mathematical models to solve problems related to the system of linear equation with two variables
Grade: 8th Semester 1
Time: 30 minute
Teaching learning process:
- Apperception : remembering the students how to solve the system of linear equation with two variables
- Motivation: question and answer how to solve the system of linear equation with two variables
- The teacher prepared student worksheet containing the guided steps of finding solution of the problem:
Andi bought 3 books and 2 pencils with the price of Rp 6000,00. When he bought 2 books and 3 pencils he should pay Rp 5.250,00. What the price of each book and each pencil?
- The teacher establish 3 groups consisting 3 students each
- The teacher encourages the students to discuss the solution in the group.
- After a moment, the teacher chose one student to come forward to write the solution, and ask the students to explain the answer the the whole class.
- The teacher let other students to comment on the explanation.
- The teacher let the students to conclude.
- One students try to conclude and the teacher write down what student’s conclusion.
- The teacher asks other students to reconfirm about the conclusion.
- The teacher asks the students whether there was still a difficulty.
- No students has a problem so the teacher give further problems by writing down them at the white board.
Comment 1: Legowo
- The students worksheet needs to be improved, for the
Comment 2: Kuswati
- Teaching does not closed with the teacher
Comment 3: Kasiyo
- The problem need to be more realistic with daily life
Teacher’s Reflection:
- For students works sheet it is in purpose while to check students readiness
- Yes I am rather nervous
Supervisor 2: Sahid
- How the students are able to develop mathematical model not only just to be given by the teacher.
- Before developing model, the students should aware why it should use the model. For mathematical problem, it needs not usually use the model. So the students should make clear that the model is important.
Supervisor 1: Marsigit
- Conclusion: the teacher has been successfully conducting innovative teaching
Teacher 9: Kuswati, SPd (SMP Loano Purworejo, Central Jawa)
Standard Competency: To understand algebraic form and social arithmetics
Topic: Proportion and Social Aritmetics
Basic competency: To use algebraic concept for solving the simple social arithmetics
Grade: 7th Semester 1
Time: 30 minute
Teaching learning process:
- Apperception : Telling teacher’s experience of buying goods from the shop to indicate the proportion of the quantity of goods. The teacher creates another examples of buying other goods to start to talk about proportion.
- The teacher prepared as much as the number of students the used-brossure containing the advertisement of many kinds of goods and its prizes; and distribute students worksheet
- The students work in the group.
Comment 1: Kasidin
- The teacher facilitate the students
- The problems of students worksheet
Comment 2 : Kasiyo
- Teaching learning has been innovative
- The problem about the concept of buying prize
Teacher’s Reflection:
- The concept has not clear yet because the teacher wish the students to conclude by themselves.
Supervisor 2:
- The concept needs to be shared to other students in the class.
Supervisor 1: The teacher implements innovative teaching.
Teacher 10 : Lilik Rusmiyatun (SMPN1 Karangmojo Gunung Kidul)
Standard Competency: To understand the characteristics of cube, cuboid, prism, pyramid, and its components.
Topic: Volume of Pyramid
Basic competency: To calculate the volume of prims
Grade: 8th Semester 2
Time: 30 minute
Teaching learning process:
- Apperception: the teacher demonstrates that from a cube we can form the prisms.
- Do you understand? If you have understood please do your worksheet.
- While the students were working in three groups, the teacher monitored them.
- The worksheet consists of two problems:
- Problem 1:
Shows the figure of cube ABCD EFGH and consists of 6 congruence prisms.
So the volume of prism OABCD = 1/6 the volume of cube = 1/6 x ...x... = ...
- Problem 2:
A right rectangular prism with the side of 15 cm. If the height of prism is 10 cm, find the volume of the prism?
- The teacher let one student to come forward to write his result
- The teacher seemed to look at her own note to check the student’s answer
- The teacher then let all students to comment on the solution.
- The teacher wishes to give further problems but she left the problem so she dictated the problems to whole class.
- The teacher let the students to solve the problem while preparing to make further problems.
- The teacher wants to know whether the students can solve the problems.
- To the students the teacher admits forgetting not to give the students the formula of the area of triangle and quadrilateral. However, she reminds the students that they should understand them.
Comment 1: Khusnul Fatimah
- Teacher’s utterances
- The teacher does not need to always admitted the weaknesses in front of the students
Cooment 2 : Kusdadi
- Apperception should related to Pythagorean theorem
Supervisor 2:
- Apperception was about many types of prisms, why the next step was only about the right prism.
- Can the formula can be used for any other prisms.
Supervisor 1:
- The teacher strives to implement innovative however there were still some constraint.
Cycle II: Monday 25, November, 2008
Teacher 1: Lilik Bambang Wibowo (SMPN 1 Rembang Purbalingga, Central Jawa)
Standard Competency: To understand the concept of rectangle and triangle and to determine their measure
Topic: rectangle and triangle
Basic competency: To calculate the area of kite
Grade: 8th Semester 2
Time: 30 minute
Teaching learning process:
- Appeception: Using the model of kite, the teacher demonstrates how to find the area of kite while reminds the students to remember the procedure
- The teacher then distributes the students worksheet together with the model of kite
- There are three working groups
- The students actively worked at their group
- The worksheet consists of the procedure in which the students should divide a kite into four parts through its diagonal.
- The next step is to unite the four parts of the kite to be a quadrilateral figure in such a way that the students were able to find its area by multiplying their sides.
- While the students were working in their group, the teacher monitored them.
- The teacher let a student to come forward to present their work and continue to explain how to get the area of the kit.
- The student concluded that the area of the kite is multiplying of width and length and it is the same with the area of quadrilateral. The area of kite is a half of mutiplication the lengths of diagonal 1 and diagonal 2.
- The teacher repeats and stress again of the students conclusion and ask whether there was still any idea?
- If no, then the teacher gives further problems to the students
- There was a student voluntarily come forward to solve the problem given by the teacher.
Supervisor 2:
- That is good the teacher use teaching aids
- How about the questions in the worksheet? The students were not only to fill the worksheet but to solve the problem also.
Supervisor 1:
- Conclusion: Teaching is innovative
Khusnul Khotimah, Laksmi Darmawati, Kasidin, Kasiyo, Kusdadi, Lilik Rusmiyatun, Kasri, Lilik Bambang Wibowo, Legowo Setyo Budi Prakoso, Kuswati
Yuntaman Nahari
S2 Pendidikan Matematika A 2018
Peer-teaching merupakan praktik mengajar yang dilakukan oleh guru dengan tujuan memperbaiki kualitas pendidikan. Dengan adanya peer-teaching, guru dapat berinovasi dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran matematika serta merefleksi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya untuk perbaikan pembelajaran berikutnya. Supervisor akan memberikan masukan atas pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan menambah pengetahuan baru bagi guru dalam beberapa hal. Dengan adanya perubahan dari pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru menjadi pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, beberapa guru masih merasa keberatan karena belum terbiasa melakukannya. Tentunya dengan adanya peer-teaching akan membantu guru-guru matematika dalam hal pengembangan pembelajaran yang berinovasi.
Nani Maryani
S2 Pendidikan Matematika (A) 2018
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Peer teaching merupakan suatu teknik penyampaian materi ajar melalui rekan atau menggunakan bantuan teman sendiri. Hal tersebut berarti bahwa peer teaching juga dapat memiliki makna, setiap siswa belajar dari satu sama lain dalam cara yang saling menguntungkan dan didalamnya terdapat suasana yang nyaman dengan saling berbagai pengetahuan, ide dan pengalaman.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Janu Arlinwibowo
PEP 2018
Beberapa guru berani menggunakan proses pembelajaran innovative. Namun pertanyaanya beranikan planning pembelajaran tersebut diaplikasikan oleh guru di sekolah?
Agnes Teresa Panjaitan
ReplyDeleteS2 Pendidikan Matematika A 2018
Berdasarkan rangkuman pendapat yang ada dalam tulisan ini, dapat saya simpulkan bahwa kegiatan peer-teaching merupakan suatu kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi guru dalam proses belajar-mengajar, tentu saja hal ini dikarenakan pada kegiatan peer teaching guru mendapatkan evaluasi dan masukan terkait pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Dan diharapkan dapat memberi solusi terhadap permasalahan yang ditemui di kelas.
Aizza Zakkiyatul Fathin
Pps Pendidikan Matematika A
Peer teaching adalah kegiatan belajar bersama antarteman sejawat dalam hal ini sesama guru. Hasil peer teaching pembelajaran adalah kritik, saran serta tanggapan untuk dijadikan bahan perbaikan kualitas pembelajaran. Sehingga dari hasil tersebut guru akan menjad termotivasi untuk selalu memperbaiki kualitas pembelajarannya. Dampaknya bagi siswa yaitu siswa dapat memperoleh pembelajaran yang sesuai sehingga tujuan pembelajaran akan tercapai dengan optimal.
Rindang Maaris Aadzaar
S2 Pendidikan Matematika 2018
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Pada cycle 1 yang dilakukan, terdapat komentar bahwa pemgejaran yang dilakukan terlalu cepat dan penggunaan whiteboard sudah tidak efektif lagi. Dalam pembelaran, cara penyampaian materi juga sangat penting. Menyampaikan materi dengan cepat dan tergesa-gesa juga tidak akan membantu siswa yang merasakan kecemasan terhadap belajar matematika. Terlebih lagi media yang digunakan adalah whiteboard. Pada zaman yang sudah canggih seperti ini penggunaan whiteboard memang sudah tidak efektif lagi. Apalagi jika materi yang diajarkan adalah yang memerlukan penggambaran yang jelas seperti materi geometri. Oleh karena itu, pengajaran yang maksimal bisa dirancang sedemikian rupa dan harus mengikuti perkembangan jaman juga.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Dini Arrum Putri
S2 P Math A 2018
Peer teaching memang sangat perlu dilakukan sebagai bentuk pemberian masukan. Peer teaching adalah pembelajaran dengan kegiatan belajar sesama teman. Sangat bermanfaat sekali jika siswa dapat melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut untuk dijadikan bahan evaluasi dalam belajarnya, siswa dapat saling bertukar ide atau pikiran atah bahkan pengalamannya. Dengan begitu siswa akan lebih mudah mengikuti kegiatan belajarnya.
Bayuk Nusantara Kr.J.T
From that statements, some teachers has implemented innovative teaching in learning process. However, there should be some improvements in implementing that innovative teaching.
Jefri Mailool
ReplyDeletePEP S3 18701261002
Some of advantage of peer teaching:
1. Learning occurs across different domains
2. Great transferability- this teaching style can be used in all lessons not just PE
3. Pupils gain more feedback as they are working with a tutor to reinforce points. Specific development in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain.
4. Tutors gain some training to teach- teaching and communication students use in this can act as experience for later life.
5. Tutees begin to rely more on their tutor rather than the teacher
6. Gives students importance within in the lesson- keeping them in charge if they have something they must complete
7. Learner may listen to their friends better than their teacher.
Septia Ayu Pratiwi
S2 Pendidikan Matematika 2018
Dalam rangkuman diatas mengungkapkan hasil peer teaching yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa guru dari sekolah yang berbeda-beda. Dari peer teaching tersebut, amsing-masing guru dapat memberikan masukan terhadap guru yang lainnya. Masukan-masukan yang didapat akan sangat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan guru kedepannya. Yaitu guru dapat memperbaiki kualitas mengajarnya dan bahkan mendapatkan sesuatu yang baru yang tidak dapat ia temukan sendiri di dalam dirinya.
Sintha Sih Dewanti
Menanggapi Teacher 9: Kuswati, SPd (SMP Loano Purworejo, Central Jawa) dengan Standard Competency: To understand algebraic form and social arithmetics. Guru melakukan apersepsi dengan memberitahu pengalaman guru dalam membeli barang dari toko untuk menunjukkan proporsi jumlah barang. Guru menciptakan contoh lain untuk membeli barang lain untuk mulai berbicara tentang proporsi. Sebenarnya ini akan lebih menarik jika guru menggali pengalaman dari siswa (peserta lain) agar terjadi interaksi dan sesuai yang dialami siswa.
Anggoro Yugo Pamungkas
S2 Pend.Matematika B 2018
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Berdasarkan artikel diatas, dari beberapa komentar dari para guru berbagai daerah pada siklud pertama, didapatkan bahwa seorang guru mengalami masalah dalam mengajarnya, dimana cara pengajarannya terlalu cepat. Nah menurut saya, memang ada sebagian guru yang merasa seperti ini, kadang yang membuat guru tersebut buru-buru atau mempercepat pengajaran adalah alokasi yang kurang tetap dari rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran diawal, sehingga guru mempercepat agar capaian pada RPP tercapai. Padahal hal itu membuat siswa tertinggal atau menjadi kurang paham karena terlalu terburu-buru. Oleh karena itu, rancanglah RPP semampu kita dan buatlah LKS yang sdikit tetapi kompleks isinya. Pada kasus ini guru diharapkan lebih belajar membuat LKS, apabila yang pertama belum berhasil, maka cobalah terus. Karena pengalaman adalah guru yang terbaik.
Rosi Anista
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B
Assalamualaikum wr wb
Peer teaching adalah praktek mengajar yang dilakukan seorang guru terhadap guru yang lainnya. Merupakan syarat wajib yang dilakukan seorang guru agar bisa menambah nilai kredit seseorang dan merupakan penilaian terbesar dalam skala skill. Kegiatan peer teaching sangat bermanfaat untuk menambah kualitas mengajar guru agar menjadi lebih baik. Saling berbagi pengalaman untuk menuju suatu jalan penyelesaian terhadap permasalahan yang sudah pernah didapati dalam suatu pembelajaran.
Diana Prastiwi
S2 P. Mat A 2018
Dalam penerapannya, ada beberapa komentar yang disampaikan oleh sesama guru dan supervisor. Misalnya saja pembelajaran masih bersifat teacher center, apersepsi masih belum bagus dan beberapa permasalahan lain.
Kegiatan ini alangkah baiknya jika dilakukan secara terus menerus dan melingkupi seluruh guru agar para guru dapat mengupdate informasi mengenai pembelajaran dengan kurikulum 2013. Selain itu, komentar-komentar dari sesama guru maupun supervior dapat membuat para guru memperbaiki proses pembelajaran yang kurang optimal.
Amalia Nur Rachman
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B UNY 2018
Beberapa guru menunjukkan kemajuan dengan mulai melakukan inovasi dalam pembelajaran matematika. Dalam peer teaching guru yang mengajar akan memperoleh berbagai macam koreksi dan masukan demi perbaikan keterampilan mengajar para guru. Hal ini merupakan media latihan yang baik untuk pengembangan kompetensi dan kreatifitas guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran.
Fabri Hidayatullah
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Peer-teaching dapat dijadikan sarana untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, guru-guru dapat bekerja sama dan saling mengobservasi dan juga saling memberi masukan mengenai pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan. Dengan demikian guru-guru dapat mengembangkan potensinya sebagai pendidik. Bacaan di atas menyajikan contoh praktik peer-teaching. Beberapa di antaranya telah berhasil melaksanakan peer-teaching sesuai dengan hakikatnya, yaitu siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk mengkonstruk pengetahuannya sendiri. Guru tidak lagi mendominasi pembelajaran, tetapi siswa aktif belajar dengan bantuan media yang telah dirancang oleh guru. Beberapa contoh pembelajaran inovatif yang telah berhasil dilaksanakan tersebut juga dapat dijadikan inspirasi oleh guru lain dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran inovatif.
Eka Puspita Sari
S2 PM B 2018
Peer Teaching adalah kegiatan pelatihan bagi guru. Kegiatan tersebut merupakan salah satu upaya untuk terus memperbaiki kualitas guru Indonesia. Dengan adanya kegiatan tersebut guru yang menjadi peserta dapat mengerti dimana letak kesalahan-kesalahan yang perlu diperbaiki. Karena setelah mempraktikkan kegiatan mengajar dihadapan teman-teman lain dan dihadapan supervisor, penampilan guru tersebut akan dikritik kesalahan dan kekurangannya. Dimana kritik yang dimaksud adalah kritik yang membangun agar dapat diperbaiki dan ditingkatkan lagi. kegiatan tersebut adalah salah satu bentuk usaha yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan bangsa. Maka, diperlukan respon yang baik pula bagi guru-guru yang memperoleh kesempatan tersebut. Karena tanpa gayung saling bersambut, usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Indonesia tidak akan pernah terwujud.
Eka Puspita Sari
S2 PM B 2018
Pada cycle I kegiatan peer teaching tersebut, secara umum berdasarkan komentar-komentar yang diberikan teman-teman guru lain, masalah yang dialami guru tersebut (bapak Legowo Setyo Budi Prakoso dari SMPN 2 Srumbun Magelang) adalah terkait kecepatan intensitas mengajar dan apersepsi. Mengatur kecepatan berbicara dalam mengajar adalah penting. Kata demi kata yang diucapkan secara terburu-buru tidak akan dipahami siswa dengan baik. Walaupun mungkin apa yang disampaikan adalah pesan yang amat bagus, namun akan kehilangan esensinya jika disampaikan dengan tempo yang cepat dan terburu-buru. Adanya apersepsi adalah penting, guna menarik perhatian siswa diawal agar tertarik dan mengikuti pelajaran selanjutnya dengan lebih fokus. Oleh karenanya ketepatan penggunaan apersepsi merupakan hal yang krusial. Mengenai apersepsi yang telah disajikan pada peer teaching cycle I tersebut, beberapa komentar menyebutkan bahwa apersepsi yang digunakan hendaknya akan lebih baik jika apersepsinya berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari anak. Jika apersepsi yang digunakan adalah sesuatu yang sudah dikenal anak dengan baik dan anak mengerti, maka anak akan cemderung tertarik dengan pembelajaran yang akan disampaikan berikutnya. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepecatan berbicara dan konteks penggunaan apersepsi adalah hal amat penting dan harus diperhatikan dengan baik.
Nur Afni
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Peer teaching dilakukan untuk melihat dan mengetahui sejauh mana kemampuan guru dalam mengajar matematika. Selain itu peer teaching juga sebagai wadah untuk bertukar pendapat saran yang membangun dari setiap guru untuk memperbaiki kekurangan dalam mengajar matematika. Dengan adanya peer teaching guru dapat lebih terbantu dalam menyusun atau merencanakan persiapan mengajar matematika. terimakasih
Herlingga Putuwita Nanmumpuni
S2 Pendidikan Matematika B 2018
Peer-teaching adalah kegiatan bermanfaat bagi guru dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar-mengajar. Pada kegiatan peer teaching guru bisa mendapatkan evaluasi dan masukan terkait pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan diharapkan dapat saling memberi solusi satu sama lain terhadap permasalahan yang ditemui di kelas. Para guru dapat mengupdate informasi mengenai pembelajaran dan juga saling menyatakan komentar-komentar dari sesama guru maupun supervior yang nantinya dapat dijadikan sebagai evaluasi bagi proses pembelajaran yang kurang optimal.
Yoga Prasetya
S2 Pendidikan Matematika UNY 2018 A
Seorang guru memiliki banyak kelemahan dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas. Kelemahan-kelemahan yang sering terjadi menjadi problematika yang terkadang tidak mampu untuk dihilangkan. Hal ini dikarenakan ada beberapa faktor internal, misalnya seorang guru yang masih menggunakan pengajaran secara tradisional tidak berinovasi dalam pembelajaran masih berpegang teguh terhadap pembelajaran yang dilakukannya , tidak mau diterjemah dan menerjemahkan bahas filsafatnya, hal ini dikarenakan fasilitas yang belum memadai mungkin. Peer teaching dalam hal ini menjadi kegiatan yang dibutuhkan demi mengevaluasi guru untuk pendidikan yang terjadi di Indonesia. Sehingga perlahan akan jadi evaluasi untuk membenahi dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia dengan merata.
Ahmad Syajili
S2 PM D 2019
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Berdasarkan kegiatan peer-teaching, terlihat bahwa kegiatan ini akan memberi manfaat kepada para guru. Hal ini disebabkan karena pada kegiatan ini guru dapat saling mengevaluasi dan memberi masukan kepada guru lainnya terkait pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Selain itu, guru juga bisa saling sharing bagaimana agar pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan inovatif, dengan memanfaatkan media pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan pembelajaran kedepannya akan semakin baik lagi.
Vera Yuli Erviana
ReplyDeleteNIM 19706261005
S3 Pendidikan Dasar 2019
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Pada pembelajaran di SMP, matematika lebih kepada materi abstrak. Disini guru harus benar-benar menanamkan konsep yang tidak membuat bingungpeserta didik mengenai konsep matematika. Guru menjadi fasilitator dalam proses pembelajaran.
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