The purpose of this blog is to communicate aspects of life such as philosophy, spiritual, education, psychology, mathematics and science. This blog does not mean political, business oriented, pornography, gender and racial issues. This blog is open and accessible for all peoples. Google Translator may useful to translate Indonesian into English or vise versa. (Marsigit, Yogyakarta Indonesia)
Dec 3, 2012
Dec 2, 2012
Dec 1, 2012
Ass Wr Wb
Jika ingin membaca lebih lanjut tentang SOCIO-CONSTRUCTIVISM, bisa konek berikut:
Jika ingin membaca lebih lanjut tentang SOCIO-CONSTRUCTIVISM, bisa konek berikut:
Ass Wr Wb
Jika ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang HEDONISM, BECALAH DI LINK BERIKUT:
Wss Wr Wb